6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge1 The Next Generation of IRs – enabling closer cooperation & networking International Workshop on institutional repositories and enhanced and alternative metrics of publication impact February 2006, Berlin, Humboldt University Lars Björnshauge, Lund University
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge2 The Current Situation Development & implementation of IRs are spreading rapidly in –Universities –University colleges –Research Centers –etc. But ….
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge3 Still early days!! From the beginning: an additional channel for dissemination of publications –To get more visibility –To get higher impact Often initiated by committed researchers & librarians To a large extent still to be labelled as experiments
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge4 The ”Open Access Movement” Inceased attention to the open access issue from researchers, decision makers, funding bodies –Declarations (e.g. Budapast, Berlin) –Recommendations & Mandates (e.g. Wellcome Trust, CERN)
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge5 The ”Open Access Movement” Declarations and mandates generates increased attention to the OA-publishing & dissemination channels (incl. IRs) Means: serious business!
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge6 More stakeholders Internal stakeholders External stakholders When more stakeholders enter the scene new needs and demands are emerging
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge7 Internal stakeholders: Authors, departments, faculties Research management Information department Legal department Archive Library
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge8 Numerous purposes Not only dissemination but as well: –Record of the institutional output –Annual Report –Research assessment –Taylored Author CVs Putting new demands on IR- managers
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge9 Professionalization When IR move upwards on the institutional agenda certain issues become more important: –Costs, –Efficiency, –Accountability, –Sustainability Push towards Professionalization!
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge10 External stakeholders Research funders demand –Quality –Figures –Metrics Potential service providers want –Quality –Uniformity
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge11 Moving from experiment to service means: Ability to comply with standards Ability to provide effective workflows Ability to provide long term availability Ability to provide consultancy Ability to provide figures Ability to provide not only visibility but as well impact
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge12 Traditional publishing Standards/Definitions/Formats: –Journals –Articles –Metadata –References Allows development of secondary services – A&I-services, databases, citation indexes etc.
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6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge15 IRs are a new phenomenon First open source software (E-prints 2000) Low degree of uniformity –Standards –Definitions –Formats –Protocols Developing secondary services based on IRs poses lots of problems
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6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge19 Experiences Working with OpenDOAR: – ”Quality” of IRs is very varied Services based on IRs as of today tend to –Have a lot of noise –Be ”quick & dirty”
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge20 Critical success factors for IRs Descriptions & definitions Document types Subject classification IPR & policy issues Granularity (document types and subject) ”Quality” (peer review, versions etc.) Last but not least: filling the IRs!!
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge21 The next generation of IRs Organizational issues: –Integrated in the operations of the institution (university, research center) –Legal issues approved by the legal entity in the institution
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge22 The next generation of IRs Operating according to standards Adequate granularity Ability to be harvested by service providers according to standards and protocols Certification
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge23 Cooperation & networking Contribute to development and implementation of standards and certification programmes Advocacy Creation of an international infrastructure to support the further development of IRs
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge24 Cooperation & networking The activities of national entities like –JISC (UK) –SURF (The Netherlands) –DINI (Germany) –other national entities and their cooperation is crucial for the development for the next generation of IRs
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge25 Catching up The agenda for IRs: –Filling the IRs: Advocacy Workflows Figures –Professionalization: Standards Handling legal issues (IPR) Certification
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge26 Catching up The agenda for IRs (continued): –Enable the content of IRs to be discovered and picked up by tomorrows quality service providers –And ultimately: Enable the content to discovered by users as an integrated part alongside conventional content (journals articles etc.)!
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge27 Cooperation & Networking Both –A prerequisite for developing the next generation of IRs And –A result of the development of the next generation of IRs
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge28 This workshop is but one of many much needed cooperating & networking activities in order to bring the important issues forward!! Thanks to the organizers for that!
6/17/2015Lars Björnshauge29 Thank you for your attention