Galaxy Evolution Astronomy 315 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 22
Galaxies Spiral Forming stars Elliptical Not forming stars Irregular Active Material feeding central black hole
Galaxy Questions How were galaxies originally formed? Why are there different kinds of galaxies?
The Early Universe About 500 million years after the Big Bang the universe was composed of: Helium Material was not uniform, but arranged on cosmic filaments Dark matter began to clump together on the filaments
Protogalaxies The gas began to form stars Structures called protogalaxies By looking for objects 13 billion light years away Since it takes a long time for the light to get to us
Mergers Protogalaxies were small About 10% the current size of the Milky Way The original galaxies start out small and grow via hierarchical mergers A “bottom-up process”
Early Galaxies Other elements hadn’t had a chance to form yet Since they were closer together Due to greater interactivity
Interactions Galaxies evolve by interactions Galaxies interact via: Close encounters Galaxies are larger than they look What are the signs of interaction?
Starburst Galaxies Starburst galaxies are very bright in infrared Due to massive star formation shrouded by dust Forms dozens of stars per year for millions of years A near-by galaxy is compressing the gas and dust into the center of the galaxy causing waves of star formation
Giant Ellipticals Giant ellipticals can be found at the centers of clusters Often have multiple nuclei Many ellipticals have shells Only large ellipticals seem to be the result of mergers Dwarf ellipticals show little merger evidence
M87 Formed from mergers with near by smaller galaxies How big is it? Convert to arcseconds using the plate scale Plate scale = conversion between linear and angular distances on a photograph
Double Nucleus Central black hole should fall into the core Observed as double X-ray source in core Supermassive black holes may be built up through mergers
Intercluster Gas The space between galaxies in a cluster is filled with the intercluster medium Temperatures of millions of degrees Visible in X-rays Composed of gas ejected from galaxies during mergers or starbursts
Spiral Galaxy Formation When several protogalaxies merge: since it can’t interact with anything Since it is spinning fast Original early stars in protogalaxies Is there an interaction mechanism which recreates them?
Elliptical Galaxy Formation Ellipticals form from merging spirals Remaining stars form a ball At the cores of clusters ellipticals grow very large
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