Spanish Inquisition.


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The Spanish Inquisition
Presentation transcript:

Spanish Inquisition

Islamic Invasions 711 – Islam’s invade Iberian Peninsula Known as the Moors. The Reconquest Begins in Spain 732 AD Battle of Tours Al Andalus

Medieval Inquisition 10th Century Cathars – Southern Gaul (2 gods) Purgatory is formed Selling of Indulgences

Conversions A Jew that converts to Christianity was known as a Converso A Moor who converts to Christianity was known as a Morisco

Jews, Moors & Christians Jews protected by king Tax Farmers Loans Moriscos live away from Christians (mainly in the South in Grenada) Christians dominate Spain (Laws) Convivencia

Pogroms of 1391 Fernan Martinez Mass Conversions to Christianity (20,000 Jews) Jews become a race and no longer just a religion

Limpieza de Sangre (Blood Purity) Before the Pogroms of 1391, Jew is part of a religion Conversions mean they are Christians and equal… Old vs. New Christians

Blood Libel Mid 1400s Propaganda against Jews Stories told of Jews stealing Christian babies and sacrificing them at night. Very effective (Fear travels through all Christians) La Guardia Trial

Unification of Spain Spanish Civil War (Isabella vs. Juana) 1474-79 Isabella marries the Prince of Aragon Ferdinand V Castile and Aragon are now united and Spain is United

Torquemada 1483 becomes Grand Inquisitor of both Castile and Aragon (this is the only organization that Castile and Aragon have in common) Very powerful, austere stern man and very Anti-Semitic. Helps to push the expulsion of the Jews. Confessor to Isabella

The Spanish Inquisition Pope Sixtus IV signs the Papal Bull in 1478, which gives Spain the right to start the Inquisition. Holy Office- Organization of the Inquisitors. Heresy – “Wrong Thinking” First few years, inactive until the La Guardia Trial in 1491. 1478-1530 Most active period of the Inquisition

Heresy Not Eating Pork Using Olive Oil Reading Prohibited Books Practicing Judaism

How did the Inquisition Work Edict of Grace (7days – 30days) Denunciation Reconciliation

Why did the Inquisition Start (3 theories) Money Money Money – Confiscation of goods. Racism – Christians were blaming Jews for killing Jesus Christ. Religion – Some believed they really had to convert to Catholicism.

1492 Invasion of Grenada (Spain is completely unified) Expulsion of the Jews

Makeup of the Inquisition Suprema (1488) – 6 members that rules over the Inquisition Tribunals – makeshift courtrooms Familiars – Spies Finances – confiscations, fines, penances, dispensation.

Privileges of Member to the Inquisition A. Inspection B. Censor Literature – Index of Prohibited Books C. Immunity from other Jurisdictions D. Tax Exemption E. No Quartering of Troops

The Trial A. Lawyers – Defense lawyers emerge B. Witnesses – could testify C. Enemies – Name your enemies

Torture Toca – Water Torture Potro – The Rack Garrucha – Hung by ceiling

Autos de Fé Act of Faith Sanbenito Burned In Effigy

Moriscos & Witchcraze April 4 , 1609 Expulsion of the Moriscos Led to Economic Problems Over 110,000 witches were killed in Europe. Less than 100 killed in Spain

The End of the Inquisition The French Revolution of 1789 would cause the Inquisition to disband. After the Revolution, a new government arose in Spain “Cortes de Cadiz” and they chose not to include the Inquisition in the new constitution.