1 Higgs Searches at the Tevatron Chris Tully Princeton On behalf of the CDF/D0 Collaborations SUSY 2005 IPPP Durham, England, July 18-25, 2005
2 Low Energy Supersymmetry The Higgs Sector is vacuous without it… Stability of the Electroweak scale is as fundamental and as deserving a resolution as Classical E&M arguments were to the instability of atomic states posed over a 100 years ago. We can only hope the answer will be equally far reaching…
3 Preferences from M W and m top Error on m top no longer dominates W self-energy may be decisive once M W improves M top = ± 2.9 GeV New CDF/D0 Mass Combination
4 New Top Mass Combination This includes new preliminary measurements (based on 320 pb -1 ) from CDF/D0 which simultaneously fit the jet energy scale with the hadronic W mass constraint The correlated systematical error is of order ~1.7 GeV
5 9 SUSY Guidance Lightest Higgs mass compatible with high tan region for wide range of stop mixing Heinemeyer, Weiglein qd,ℓ–qd,ℓ– qd,ℓ+qd,ℓ+ h: H: A: Use tanβ enhancement! LEP Preliminary down- type
6 Large b-Production But how well known… Use Leptonically Decaying Z’s as a probe! B-hadron Lifetime tag Z+b PRL 94, (2005) pb -1
7 MSSM Higgs b(b) Search b(b) → b(b)bb =h/A or H/A At least 3 b-tagged jets Data-derived background shape Leading Submitted to PRL 260 pb -1 at 95% Excl.
8 b(b) Limits: tan 2 β Enhancement Enhancement depends on loop corrections (Δ b ) and SUSY parameters: 260 pb -1
9 b(b) Projections CDF+ 1 fb -1 8 fb -1 4 fb -1 2 fb -1 Tevatron will probe below ! Projection based on existing analysis: Doesn’t include proposed b-tag improvements
10 Higgs Decays to -leptons -Identification Methods (CDF) Before OS req. Method yields a rich sample of taus with the expected visible masses and track multiplicities from Z →
11 h/H/A → Search Visible Mass is the final search variable: tan =30 H
12 MSSM Higgs → Search tan Exclusion Limits: b(b)
13 Higgs → Projections Higgs → and b(b) will reach similar sensitivities at the same time Opens up exciting prospects for learning more about SUSY as y b and y see different loop-corrections Assumes several analysis improvements CDF+D0
14 Charged Higgs from top quark decay Predicted to substantially modify top quark Branching Ratios at high and low tan Additional sensitivity in lepton + channel m H + = 100 GeV m H + = 140 GeV cs t*bt*b
15 H + tan Exclusion
16 Br(t → H + b) Exclusion for Br(H + → )=1 Range of Exclusions Br<0.4 to Br<0.7 depending on MSSM parameters H + →cs Search in progress…
17 Lightest Higgs Boson Lightest Higgs boson is SM-like for large M A Given the difficulty of detecting the h→bb decay at the LHC, the Tevatron provides a potentially essential probe of this low mass channel (decoupling limit)
18 Low Mass Higgs Search Maximum sensitivity requires a combination of CDF/D0 search channels: WH →ℓ bb, ZH → bb & ℓℓbb, WH →WWW *, H→WW
19 ℓ bb Search (CDF) 319 pb -1
20 e bb Search (DØ) bb in Progress… Expect 0.14 ± 0.03 WH 4.29 ± 1.03 Wbb 5.73 ± 1.45 tt+other Total 10.2 ± 2.4 events Observe 13 Tagged Sample ≥1 b-tag Double-Tagged Sample
21 Missing Energy Channel (CDF) Two Control Regions: No Leptons + (E T, 2 nd Jet)<0.4 (QCD H.F.) Min. 1 Lepton + (E T, 2 nd Jet)>0.4 (Top, EWK, QCD) Control Region 1 Missing E T b-jet y x Large E T Two jets (one b-tagged)
22 Missing Energy Event (CDF) Second Jet E T = 54.7 GeV Leading Jet E T = GeV Double tagged event Di-jet invariant mass = 82 GeV Missing E T GeV
23 Missing Energy Channel (CDF) Selection cut ZH 120 (288.9 pb -1) Di-jet mass cut (100,140) 0.016
24 Missing Energy Channel (DØ) Cross-efficiency important WH → ℓ bb (lost ℓ) ZH → bb 3x Larger WZ/ZZ Signal Similar dijet bb mass peak
25 WH → WWW * (CDF) Vector p T Sum 2 nd Lepton p T Fake Lepton Region “One Leg” Photon Conv SM Signal Expected m H =160 GeV No Event Seen Same-Sign Dilepton Search
26 WH → WWW * (DØ) WWW * → ℓ ± ℓ ± + X Same-Sign Dileptons Important bridge across GeV “Gap” from H → bb and inclusive H →WW Background from WZ→ ℓ ℓℓ pb -1 CDF 194 pb -1
27 H → WW (DØ) Leptons from Higgs tend to point in same direction Apply ℓℓ < 2 ℓℓ < 2 WW cross section measured PRL 94, (2005) WW =13.8 (st.) (sy.) ± 0.9 pb – 3.8 – 0.9
28 Overview of CDF/DØ SM Higgs Searches
29 Prospects for SM Higgs Search Current analyses sensitivities are lower than used for projections, but differences appear to be recoverable
30 Summary MSSM tan enhancement searches b(b) & Higgs → already sensitive to tan ~50-60 Plans to add b(b) → b(b) t → H + b, H + → results (Plans to add H + →cs ) SM Higgs searches Full complement of search channels with first results Will be important to benchmark search sensitivity with WZ diboson production with Z → bb ~1 fb -1 to analyze by Fall Combine, combine, combine…
31 Backup Plots & Tables
32 Tevatron Performance
33 SM Higgs Production Processes
34 Z → bb (CDF)
35 ℓ bb Search (CDF)
36 H → WW (DØ)
37 Improvements to b-tagging OperatingPoint ~ Fake Rate ~ b Efficiency Tight 0.25 % 44 % Medium 0.5 % 52 % Loose 1.0 % 57 % Loose % 64 % Loose % 68 % Loose % 70 % Analysis depends on strongly on b-tag Neural Net b-tagging DØDØ
38 Z → as a benchmark DØ Neural Network -Selection Variables: Shower Profile Calorimeter Isolation Track Isolation Charged Momentum Frac Opening Angle Etc. 3 Types: -like -like Multi-prong
39 Missing Energy Channel (DØ) Trigger on event w/ large E T & acoplanar jets Instrumental E T backgrounds (Data-driven estimation) – –Asymmetries computed: Asym(E T,H T ) and Asym( p T trk, p T2 trk ) Data Data in signal region Signal Sidebands Exponential Signal Instr. Background from Sidebands(Data)
40 Missing Energy Channel (DØ) No b-tag Single b-tag Double b-tag
41 H → WW (CDF) Cluster mass: =184 pb -1