MIS 5241 Chapter 9 Managing IT Outsourcing It’s like dinner out!
MIS 5242 Agenda So What? Who Cares? What’s Happening with Outsourcing: Direction and Definition Why “Alliances” are Hard Outsourcing Drivers…why outsource? Outsourcing Timers…when to outsource? Outsourcing Recipes…what to outsource? Outsourcing Agendas…how to outsource? Outsourcing Management
MIS 5243 So What, Who Cares? Follow the Logic: IT is strategic for many firms. IT is difficult to cost, predict, manage Others do that better; IT is not our core business But we don’t trust them with our family jewels So we are in an approach-avoidance syndrome
MIS 5244 Direction In-House Work is done by a “captive” IT department using internal corporate resources to produce a corporate product Outsource Work done by outsiders using outsiders’ resources to produce a useful product Insource Work is done by insiders using semi-private corporate and outside resources to produce a potentially proprietary product
MIS 5245 What’s Happening with Outsourcing: Direction Traditional All IT activities are kept in-house. New System Development Operations & Maintenance Exploratory New systems are obtained from outside. New System Development Conservative New system development is done in- house Operations & Maintenance Extreme No IT activities are performed in- house New System Development Operations & Maintenance
MIS 5246 Definition Class 1: Traditional business wishing to improve efficiency, productivity, performance 2: Business wishing to change structure, strategy, nature of business Old House Existing outsourcing vendor New House Vendor used by the insider IT dept. or is created using corporate or shared resources
MIS 5247 What’s Happening with Outsourcing: Definition Vendor Old-House New House Customer Class 2 Class 1 Traditional Business uses existing vendor to solve problem. Conservative Business uses vendor to generate oppties Exploratory Business reengineered by spin-off Extreme Business redefined by outsourcing
MIS 5248 Why Outsourcing Relationships are Difficult Time: Long relationship cuts across many IT “generations” Timing: Vendor and Customer achieve benefits at different times because of investment Pareto’s Law Strategic Life Cycle Most “muscle” is concentrated in a small group of vendors Today’s competitive advantage is certainly going to be tomorrow’s commodity. 80/20 !
MIS 5249 Drivers toward Outsourcing Cost and Quality Concerns (saving $) Breakdown in IT Performance Vendor pressures Simplified Management Agenda (taking care of [core] business] Financial factors (time, timing, etc.) Corporate culture Ethnic cleansing!
MIS Deadlines to Outsource Position on the Strategic Grid Composition of development Portfolio (maintenance, high-tech work, see Ch. 10) Organizational learning possibilities Market position (cellar dweller syndrome) IT Department Health (“’Til death do we part, or whenever it becomes feasible”)
MIS Dinner at the Outsource Inn Lots of things can be outsourced: eg., operations, a single function, a single application, all development, system management, outsourcing itself? Rules of thumb:(Yes→Outsource) Easily separated? Requires skills we don’t have? Not intimately related to our strategy?
MIS Debut: “Coming out” Outsourcing is not a gift. Certain “style” aspects must be handled: Contract flexibility (why?) Standards Who has control? Evaluation, assessment Supplier stability and quality Management fit between orgs Conversion (esp. if existing IT dept.)
MIS Diners’ Club: Management The CIO’s role Performance Measurement Mix and Coordination of Tasks Customer-Vendor Interface