159 Years of Greek History and Pride Greek Life RPI
Strength of 34 Diverse Chapters There are 34 Greek organizations on campus. – 23 NIC Fraternities – 1 NPHC Fraternity – 2 NALFO Fraternities – 1 Asian Fraternity – 2 Local Fraternities – 3 NPC Sororities – 1 Professional Sorority – 1 Local Sorority
Why Should I Go Greek? Brotherhood/Sisterhood for Family away from Home 25% of all RPI Students are Greek – Nearly 50% of all 1 st Year Students Express Interest Leadership Training and Self Reliance – Local & National Leadership Trainings Offered to Members Financial Responsibility – Some groups maintain budgets in excess of $250, Alumni Networking for Career and Chapter Advice – Each organization has several Alumni events annually Social Events – Winter & Spring Formals, mixers, & other events.
Greek Housing 25 of our Greek Organizations privately own residential facilities. 3 live within Institute provided housing Sophomores may live in Greek Housing as part of the Greek Life Commons Agreement
Academics Greek chapters form an academic support structure: – All Fraternity GPA: 3.04 – All Sorority GPA: 3.25 Both qualify for the Dean’s RPI – Living Learning Communities Study Rooms Upper Classmen tutors – Workshops on study skills, test taking and time management. – Faculty & Chapter Advisors
Greek’s Give Back! RPI Greek Service Statistics: – Academic Year: Over 100 individual community service events Over $50, Raised for charity Over 10,000 volunteer hours
Greek Leadership On Campus Two Greek Governing Boards: – Interfraternity Council – Panhellenic Council Consistent Leadership in the RPI Student Senate & Student Union – Grand Marshal & Union President – Union President
Annual Greek Leadership Summit
Omega Mu Chapter of Order Of Omega Greek Only Honorary Society Top 3% of College Students Over 500 chapters nationwide Over 200,000 members worldwide Eligibility Requirements at RPI: Must be Senior or Junior By Credits GPA Above the All Greek Average Exhibit Leadership History of Leadership in Greek Chapter, RPI Campus, and Troy Community
Green Greeks Greek Only Sustainable Group Members of the RPI Sustainability Task Force Provides resources and materials to Greek Chapters to improve their sustainable efforts. Provides recycle bins to chapters Educates Greeks on how to reduce their Carbon Footprint
Greek Spectrum Greek Only group for LGBT Members Partners with Rensselaer Pride Alliance (RPA) Provides education, advocacy, & community for LGBT members within the RPI Greek Life Commons A resource for LGBT students who are interested in Greek Life and wonder what support exists
Alumni Inter-Greek Council Governing Body of RPI Greek Alumni Work closely with chapters & staff Provide guidance & continuity Many are successful in their fields, recent grads, and RPI Faculty. Recognized by the Rensselaer Alumni Association Share best practices for supporting our RPI Greek Students
More Examples of Greek RPI Sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta arrive early for an RPI Football Game Brother of Theta Chi & RPI Football Player is eliminated from a Greek Weekend Event
FIJI brothers participating in the Philanthropy event “wingstock” Greek Council officers replace a Elementary School playground Greek Fundraisers
A NNUAL G REEK L IP S YNC $1500 raised for St. Jude's Children's Hospital
What is Recruitment? Recruitment is a mutual joining process where potential new members/rushees meet Greek chapters in hopes of receiving a Bid (Invitation to join). Traditional Panhellenic (Sorority) Recruitment is “Formal” and is a structured multiple day process that must be registered for. In-Take, is a non-structured recruitment for culturally bases fraternities/sororities that involves info sessions and other events. IFC Recruitment/Rush (informal) is a “choose your own path” experience, where students can choose which events to attend of the hundreds offered.
When is Recruitment? Panhellenic Recruitment (Formal): Sept th Interfraternity Council (Informal): Sept rd CONTACT – Panhellenic Council: Vice President of Recruitment: Alex Colello Interfraternity Council: Vice President of Recruitment: JP Trasatti
How do I Join a Greek House? Attend Meet the Greeks, Greek NRB Event, and all information sessions Register for sorority recruitment online at: Attend recruitment events HAVE FUN!!!
Questions? Sororities: panhel.union.rpi.edu Fraternities: ifc.union.rpi.edu Greek Life Commons: reslife.rpi.edu PH: Associate Dean of the Greek Life Commons Matthew Hunt -