The Moon “Hoax” By Eleanor
DID WE REALLY GO TO THE MOON…….. …………Or was it all just a clever hoax designed and pulled off by NASA?
Why we didn’t go to the moon and counterarguments No, we didn't. If you look at this photo, the front of the space suit is very bright. If the only light source was the sun, the front would be DARK. Yes, we did. Light reflected off the other astronaut’s suits and the surface of the moon, like it does at night.
Why we didn’t go to the moon and counterarguments Why are there no stars in the sky in the photos, taken in outer space? Under exposure. Bright objects, such as the surface and the earth require very little exposure time, but the stars are faint, so they don’t show up.
Why we didn’t go to the moon and counterarguments The flag looks like it’s waving in the pictures. On the moon, there is no atmosphere, so there is no wind to blow the flag. There was a wire in the top of the flag that was specially put there to make it look like it was waving.
So…what do YOU think? Were the moon landings a hoax? Or were they real?
The End