Environmental Management System -nutrient management at farm level Mr Niklas Bergman MSc Agriculture Project Manager, Scanagri Sweden AB Working in projects in Russia and the Baltic States as Expert and Team Leader
Environmental Management System (EMS) Helping the farms making a status of the situation today Suggesting investments and change in management Helping farmer to look for credits and grants
EMS History Started to be discussed late 90’s Developed and discussed further on at Scanagri Pilot farm study 2002 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by Scanagri in Baltic Agricultural Run- off Action Program Now used in BSRP, Agriculture and Environment in Leningrad Oblast
EMS Combines environmental and economical issues Flexible, individual or in group Ending up in an application to Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nefco) to receive credits and grants (GEF funding)
EMS Environmental and technical part Information about the status in the Baltic Sea Nutrient loads from different countries to the sea Nutrients flow Manure and pesticide handling Technical solutions Management Nutrient balance Checklist at the farm
EMS Economical part Theory of economical calculations Profit/loss, balance sheet Calculation of key figures -equity, profit etc