/16 EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent 1 WG1 - Masters degrees Questionnaire results on the introduction of Masters degrees Fernando Cornet ES, Eamonn Cunningham IE Lupo Donà dalle Rose IT, Leif Johannsen SE, Gintautas Kamuntavičius LT, Jan Klosinski PL
/16 2EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Summary Confused picture across Europe Confused picture across Europe Most countries undergoing change Most countries undergoing change Bachelor degree introduced in most countries Bachelor degree introduced in most countries Masters in preparation or just starting Masters in preparation or just starting Varies even between universities in same country/state or region Varies even between universities in same country/state or region If you aren’t confused you don’t understand Bologna If you aren’t confused you don’t understand Bologna
/16 3EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Questionnaire replies 87 replies from 30 countries (some are blank) 87 replies from 30 countries (some are blank) Most are 120 ECTS credits / 2 years Most are 120 ECTS credits / 2 years Some 60+ credits / 1 year Some 60+ credits / 1 year Very few joint/double Masters degrees Very few joint/double Masters degrees Little evidence of mobility between B and M (exceptions for some vocational masters) Little evidence of mobility between B and M (exceptions for some vocational masters)
/16 4EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Germany Traditional 5 yr Diplom 300 credits Traditional 5 yr Diplom 300 credits split into split into Bachelor 3 year / 180 credits Bachelor 3 year / 180 credits Master 2 year / 120 credits Master 2 year / 120 credits Bachelor degree designed as a possible final degree, new to Germany Bachelor degree designed as a possible final degree, new to Germany Unclear if this will work Unclear if this will work Criticised as “dumbing down” the Diplom Criticised as “dumbing down” the Diplom
/16 5EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent France Traditional courses grouped together Traditional courses grouped together DEUG + Licence = Bachelor DEUG + Licence = Bachelor 3 years / 180 credits 3 years / 180 credits Maîtrise + DEA/DESS = Master Maîtrise + DEA/DESS = Master 2 years / 120 credits 2 years / 120 credits Parallel system in Grande Ecoles Parallel system in Grande Ecoles Final year can be tailored either for further study or for preparation for employment Final year can be tailored either for further study or for preparation for employment
/16 6EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Spain Has not introduced Bachelor degree Has not introduced Bachelor degree 5 year Licenciado remains first degree 5 year Licenciado remains first degree Introducing Master degree Introducing Master degree 1+ years long 1+ years long Unclear how system will develop Unclear how system will develop
/16 7EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Research Masters Designed to lead on to Ph.D. Designed to lead on to Ph.D. Deeper study of Physics Deeper study of Physics Continues Bachelor work and may introduce more specialist areas Continues Bachelor work and may introduce more specialist areas Suitable preparation for Doctoral studies Suitable preparation for Doctoral studies Or leading to alternative research type employment Or leading to alternative research type employment
/16 8EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Vocational Masters Leading to employment in a particular field Leading to employment in a particular field Studies may not be at a deeper level than Bachelor but in other related fields Studies may not be at a deeper level than Bachelor but in other related fields 1-2 years, not normally leading to Ph.D. 1-2 years, not normally leading to Ph.D. Medical physics Medical physics Bachelor level biology & specialist physics courses Bachelor level biology & specialist physics courses Teaching (Discussed by Group 5) Teaching (Discussed by Group 5) Pedagogy courses at Bachelor level Pedagogy courses at Bachelor level
/16 9EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Non-Bologna Masters UK & Ireland UK & Ireland M.Phy/M.Sci. in UK (integrated 4/5 yr degree) M.Phy/M.Sci. in UK (integrated 4/5 yr degree) Taught M.Sc. (1 calendar year- vocational) Taught M.Sc. (1 calendar year- vocational) Research M.Sc. (1-2 years-research) Research M.Sc. (1-2 years-research) These Masters pre-date Bologna and don’t fit the system. These Masters pre-date Bologna and don’t fit the system. No immediate plans to change! No immediate plans to change! Any change has funding implications Any change has funding implications
/16 10EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent M.Phys/M.Sci. Replaced traditional 3-year Bachelor in Physics and some other fields Replaced traditional 3-year Bachelor in Physics and some other fields 4 years in England, Wales & N. Ireland 4 years in England, Wales & N. Ireland After Maths/Physics A levels After Maths/Physics A levels Bachelor degree available after 3 years (exit route) Bachelor degree available after 3 years (exit route) Doesn’t fit Bologna unless recognised as an “intensive degree course” Doesn’t fit Bologna unless recognised as an “intensive degree course” Year 0 for less qualified students in many universities Year 0 for less qualified students in many universities
/16 11EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Scotland & N.I. 5 years in Scotland 5 years in Scotland More general school leaving exam (Bac type) More general school leaving exam (Bac type) 4 year Bachelor 4 year Bachelor 5 year M.Phys./M.Sci. 5 year M.Phys./M.Sci. Queen’s University Belfast (N.I.) allows entry to 4 or 5 year degree depending on background Queen’s University Belfast (N.I.) allows entry to 4 or 5 year degree depending on background
/16 12EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent Ireland Leaving cert – Bac type exam (as in Scotland) Leaving cert – Bac type exam (as in Scotland) 4 year Bachelor degree 4 year Bachelor degree Vocational masters 1 year (~75 credits) Vocational masters 1 year (~75 credits) Research route direct to Ph.D. (4+ yr) Research route direct to Ph.D. (4+ yr) First year probationary First year probationary Pilot scheme for doctoral schools Pilot scheme for doctoral schools May lead to formal M.Sc. before starting Ph.D. May lead to formal M.Sc. before starting Ph.D.
/16 13EGF2006 Gent/Gand/Ghent EuroBachelor in Physics Certification system for physics Bachelor courses Certification system for physics Bachelor courses Similar to Chemistry EuroBachelor Similar to Chemistry EuroBachelor To be discussed in Workshop 1 To be discussed in Workshop 1