PILOT Survey for Supernovae in Starbursts Stuart D. Ryder Anglo-Australian Observatory Seppo Mattila Stockholm Observatory.


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Presentation transcript:

PILOT Survey for Supernovae in Starbursts Stuart D. Ryder Anglo-Australian Observatory Seppo Mattila Stockholm Observatory

Why Supernovae? Core-collapse SNe (CCSNe) generate/liberate the bulk of the light metals.Core-collapse SNe (CCSNe) generate/liberate the bulk of the light metals. CCSNe directly trace recent massive SFR (cf. UV, H , FIR, radio, [Fe II], …)CCSNe directly trace recent massive SFR (cf. UV, H , FIR, radio, [Fe II], …) Can serve as probes of extinction and ISM.Can serve as probes of extinction and ISM. CCSNe blast wave probes progenitor mass-loss history.CCSNe blast wave probes progenitor mass-loss history. SN 2001ig (Ryder et al. 2004, MNRAS, in press)

Why Starbursts? “Supernova Factories” – ULIRGs (L IR > L  ) have SFRs > 100 M  yr -1, so > 1 CCSN yr -1.“Supernova Factories” – ULIRGs (L IR > L  ) have SFRs > 100 M  yr -1, so > 1 CCSN yr -1. High Z  high MLR, may influence SN evolution.High Z  high MLR, may influence SN evolution. ULIRGs/starburst galaxy nuclei are crowded, heavily- extincted (A V > 10) regions  NIR, radio.ULIRGs/starburst galaxy nuclei are crowded, heavily- extincted (A V > 10) regions  NIR, radio. NIR allows follow-up at much earlier epochs; not all CCSNe are “radio-loud”.NIR allows follow-up at much earlier epochs; not all CCSNe are “radio-loud”. WHT+INGRID/LIRIS K-band monitoring of 40 nearby (D < 45 Mpc) non-AGN starbursts.WHT+INGRID/LIRIS K-band monitoring of 40 nearby (D < 45 Mpc) non-AGN starbursts. VLT+NACO monitoring of 14 ULIRGs out to D ~ 300 Mpc.VLT+NACO monitoring of 14 ULIRGs out to D ~ 300 Mpc.

Historical SN in NGC 7714 Found in archival UKIRT K image from Sep 1998.Found in archival UKIRT K image from Sep Optimal Image Subtraction (Allard & Lupton 1998).Optimal Image Subtraction (Allard & Lupton 1998). < 1 kpc from nucleus.< 1 kpc from nucleus. Not seen in U, J, H  A V > 6.Not seen in U, J, H  A V > 6.

AO on ULIRGs Require Strehl ratios ~0.2 – 0.3 to yield 0.06" (100 pc) 300 Mpc.Require Strehl ratios ~0.2 – 0.3 to yield 0.06" (100 pc) 300 Mpc. NACO currently delivers (time variable) SR ~ 0.1 when guiding on ULIRG nucleus.NACO currently delivers (time variable) SR ~ 0.1 when guiding on ULIRG nucleus. IRAS IRAS NICMOS 1"

Discovery rate Assume:Assume: –Stable, near diffraction-limited (0.3") PSF over FOV of InSb array (0.23" pix -1 ). –10 min exposures  10  for K=22.5. –Monitor 15 ULIRGs out to 150 Mpc. –Detectable fraction increases with nuclear distance out to 500 pc. –M82 SNR extinction distribution (A V ~ 24,  ~ 9). –Template light curves for “ordinary” (M K ~ –18.6) and “slowly declining” (M K ~ –20.0) CCSNe.

SummarySummary Expect:Expect: 4–6 CCSNe (for 5–30% slow-decliners) by observing sample annually;4–6 CCSNe (for 5–30% slow-decliners) by observing sample annually; 9 CCSNe per year by observing each galaxy 3 times;9 CCSNe per year by observing each galaxy 3 times; More frequent monitoring  light curves.More frequent monitoring  light curves. PILOT would deliver comparable CCSNe discovery rates to AO ULIRG survey on 8m, or nearby starburst survey with 4m telescopes.PILOT would deliver comparable CCSNe discovery rates to AO ULIRG survey on 8m, or nearby starburst survey with 4m telescopes.