"Climate Change - a global pressing issue” A.K.M. Saiful Islam Associate Professor Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) Bangladesh University of Engineer and Technology (BUET) “Young Scientists Congress 2009” Organized by BAS and TWAS
Outlines What’s Climate Change & Global Warning? How Climate has Changed? Future Predictions Impact of Climate Change Who’s Responsible ? What needs to be done ? Mitigation Adaptation Global and National awareness building
Green house Gas and Global warming
Green House Gases Anthropogenic Emissions CO 2 (72%) CH 4 (18%) NO (9%) O 3 (1%)
Green house effect Green house gases act as a partial blanket for the thermal radiation from the surface which enables it to be substantially warmer than it would otherwise be, analogous to the effect of a greenhouse.
Increasing trends of CO2
Human induced changes of green house gases
Global temperature and Greenhouse gases
Temperature variation past 1,000 years
Trends of increase of Temperature
Climate Change due to Global Warming
Cracks in Ice bars
Ice melting Images gathered from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program of NASA show the minimum Arctic sea ice concentration 1979 (left) and 2003 (right)
Trends of Precipitations
Trends of Seal Surface temperature
Temperature Data Analysis ( ) Mean daily temperature of Bangladesh has increased with a rate of C per 100 years
Future predictions of climate change
Prediction of Global Warming Figure shows the distribution of warming during the late 21st century predicted by the HadCM3 climate model. The average warming predicted by this model is 3.0 °C.
Prediction of Temperature increase
Prediction of Sea level rise
Arctic Sea Ice Prediction using community climate system model Arctic Sea Ice in 2040 Arctic Sea Ice in 2000
Predicted Change of Mean Temperature ( 0 C) using A1B Scenarios Baseline = 2000
Change of Mean Rainfall (mm/d) using A1B Scenarios Baseline = 2000
Change of mean climatic variables of Bangladesh using A1B Scenarios Temperate ( 0 C) Rainfall (mm/d)
Impact of Climate Change
Climate Change Impact for Bangladesh Increase of intensity and duration of natural disasters such as floods, Cyclones and Storm Surges. Increase of moisture stress (droughts) due to erratic precipitation Salinity intrusion due to Sea Level Rise Inundation due to sea level rise leading towards “Climate Refugees” Effect on health and livelihood of coastal people. Effect on Bio-diversity, Ecology & Sundarbans. Hampered Food Security & Social Security.
What will happen to Artic Polar Bears ?
Antarctic Penguins are watching…
The Sundarbans..Mangrove forest?
Who is responsible for Climate Change ?
Emission of Green house gases Emission of Co 2 Bangladesh < 0.2 Million ton/yr
Global Emission
Per capita responsibility of Co2
What needs to be done?
Facing Climate Change National Awareness building Capacity Building through Training Innovative Research for knowledge generations Mitigation Reduce Co 2 emission, Use Green technology Use of Alternative Energy sources – Solar, Wind etc. Adaptation – Build Shelters, Rise Embankments & Polders, Roads, Houses Salinity tolerant crops, Forestation, alternative livelihood, improve warning system, migrations Global Awareness & Justice – Kyoto Protocol, COP15, COP16…. Raise our voice !
Thank you