Overview of Soil Properties for Crop Production By J.G. Mexal Department of Agronomy & Horticulture New Mexico State University
Soil Properties Soil Water Depletion (%) by Soil Type Tensiometer (cbar) Sandy loam Fine sandy loam LoamClay <
Soil Properties Soil Water Depletion (%) by Soil Type Soil Moisture Tension (cbar) AWC Depleted (%) MAD
Soil Properties Soil-Water Path
Soil Properties Water Infiltration Patterns
Soil Properties Plant Growth is a Function of Soil Water / Amer.Nat. 102:67-74 Biomass (kg/ha/yr) Soil Water Loss (mm/yr) Tropical Forest Pine ForestBeech-maple Forest Grass Prairie Arctic Tundra Desert
Soil Properties Salinity ClassificationEC w (mmhos/cm) Total Salts (ppm) Total Salts (lb/ac-ft) Low salinity<0.25<160<435 Medium salinity ,306 High Salinity ,4401,306-3,917 Very High Salinity >2.25>1,440>3,917
Soil Properties Salt Accumulation
Soil Properties Soil Salinity Reduces Yield Electrical Conductivity (mmhos/cm) Yield Decrease
Soil Properties Conclusions Soil texture and depth determine : –WHC for water storage and CEC for nutrient status. –Crop productivity is linked directly to texture and depth. Productivity can be decreased by: –increased salts –increased bulk density