Nika Balomenou and Celeste Jones Business School L& T conference Tuesday 7 th June
1. How it all started Semester A 3. Semester B 4. Benefits 5. Limitations 6. The future
The School of Education team aka Blogging Guru team Dr Joy Jarvis, Sally Graham, Kathy Weston BS Team: Karen Robins, Celeste Jones, Dr Nika Balomenou Research on Professionalism in Event Management
“Reflective thinking level increased significantly over time […] peer feedback was found to negatively affect students' reflective thinking skills (Xie et al., 2008, p18) Diaries- new form of e-diary (Bolger et al., 2003) Research bias Vote: reflective report or reflective blog? Leaving comments! Results: your printout
Fortnightly entries Peer comments Assessed piece (700 words) Focus group
“..encourage ongoing, reflective practice via an exchange between students thereby limiting feelings of isolation …” (Wolf, 2010, p289) Experience recording technique Time management Semester-long (or longer) Voluntary engagement Reduces research bias Monitoring tool for tutors Answers specific questions (numbers?) Blended learning technique
Difficult to locate Making blog public Universally accessible (in UH) Honesty Challenging feedback Feedback for staff as an SFQ Demanding in terms of organisation and time ‘Bit of a fad’ Can detract from academic reflection Voluntary engagement
Event Impacts and Legacies (EvILe) external examiner comments nsf/Homepage?Readf orm nsf/Homepage?Readf orm Guidance 1/3 academic content requirement Will continue in level 5 skills modules
Sally Graham Dr Joy Jarvis Kathy Weston Karen Robins Justin Lance BS for funding this L&T project
Any questions?
Bolger N., Davis A., Rafaeli E. (2003) Diary methods capturing life as it is lived. Annual Review of Psychology Vol. 54 p Wolf K. (2010) Bridging the distance: the use of blogs as reflective learning tools for placement students. Higher Educations Research & Development Vol. 29 (5) Xie Y., Ke F., Sharma P. (2008) The effect of peer feedback for blogging on college students' reflective learning processes. The Internet and Higher Education Vol. 11 (1) 18-25