UCB PHYSICAL LAYER Jean Walrand U.C. Berkeley
UCB Overview Digital Link Optical Copper Wireless
UCB Digital Link Structure:
UCB Digital Link (continued) Examples
UCB Digital Link (continued) Frequency and Propagation:
UCB Digital Link (continued) Limitations:
UCB Digital Link (continued) Baseband: Not self-clocking
UCB Digital Link (continued) Baseband: Self-Clocking
UCB Digital Link (continued) Optical: Self-Clocking 4B/5B or 8B/10B Basic Idea: Introduce enough transitions so that the signal contains the clock.
UCB Digital Link (continued) Broadband: PSK and BPSK
UCB Digital Link (continued) Spectrum of BPSK (150 bps, carrier 600 Hz) => 150Hz Other modulation schemes: 2 to 7 bps per Hz Note: Shannon Capacity is W log 2 (1 + S/N)
UCB Optical Link Components:
UCB Optical Link (continued) Fibers:
UCB Optical Link (continued) Attenuation
UCB Key Ideas: Synchronize Transmitters for easy ADM Enable slipping between PATH and Line Optical Link (continued) SONET
UCB Optical Link (continued) SONET Frame
UCB Copper Link Common Modulation: QPSK
UCB Copper Link (continued) ADSL DMT: Divides bw into channels of 4kHz Uses QAM in each channel, based on SNR