Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ Facility Advisory Committee BFW Calibration Test Results on behalf of: Jim Bailey Keith Caban Clive Field Geovanni Gordon Tom Nakashima Danny Peterswright Reggie Rogers Donald Schafer Yung-Yung Sung
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Assembly Mounted on Adjustable Support Adjustable Mounting Support (Modified since) Vacuum Pump Connector (2.75” Conflat Flange) Card Position Monitor (Limit switches) Air Supply Shut Off Valve Pneumatic Solenoid Valve Precision Screw Electrical Connectors for Wire Signals Vacuum Chamber Connection Flange (NW-50 CeFix w/Clamp) Beam Port Pneumatic Cylinder Alignment Fiducials Frame Compression Spring Positioner Potentiometer Housing Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Card: Physics Overview (PRD r1) ParameterValueStatus Wires per BFW device22 Wire perpendicularity10 mrad~1 mrad (early microscope test on prototype) Wire diameter mm mm Carbon wires. Vertical position of Y-wire from Girder Axis (GA)0.20 mm mm [Sample average, BFW #7] Horizontal position of X-wire from GA0.40 mm0.412 mm [Sample average, BFW #7] Vacuum hardware clearance radius at target>2 mm Two independent methods to measure beam intensity at wire location: (1) beam induced wire current (2) Scattered particles NAOnly scattered particle detection in plan Y-wire vertical insertion reproducibility30 µm1 µm [Sample RMS, BFW #7] X-wire horizontal insertion reproducibility65 µm19 µm [Sample RMS, BFW #7]
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ TaskStatus/Dates (6/17/08) Delivery of BFW assemblies from ANL 11 revised design BFWs received at SLAC (+2 old design). 2 more shipped as of 6/9/08 Fabrication of Bench Assembly for SLAC Alignment of BFWUsed for alignment of BFWs BFW electrical connectionsElectrical connections, ground connectors and RF shields: All RFI Fabrication of 40 BFW cards (Macor)RFI BFW Card Coating – Kovar (40 pieces)RFI BFW Card Wiring – Carbon wire, 40 piecesRFI BFW Card Installation and alignmentRFI BFW Assembly Pneumatics BoxesPut in system by P. Cutino for 33 BFW 90 psi airlinePut in system by P. Cutino for 33 BFW BFW Additional non-wired cards 7 BFW cards fabricated, cleaned and coated. Waiting to be wired if needed. BFW: Alignment & Assembly Status
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW: Alignment & Assembly Status Shipped from Argonne Total Received at SLAC In Transit RFIQC Testing in process Awaiting QC Awaiting retesting Old design BFWs (#16,17) 7 (#4,5,6,9,7,12,29) 1 (#24) 2 (#15,32) 1 (#13) 2 (#1,2)
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Card Prototype Drawing Prototype material: Al-6061 Actual material: Macor Thickness: 3/16” (4.8 mm) Coating: Kovar [tooling in progress] X-wire end point: mm Beam center: 40 mm Gap between beam and X-wire: mm Y-wire end point: mm Beam center: 37.2 mm Gap between beam and Y-wire: mm Courtesy: C. Field, R. Rogers
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Card Wiring: Tooling Copper Tabs Rods for hanging BFW wire with weights Micrometer stage BFW Card Card holder ‘Carbon wire & weight’ Wires soldered to copper tabs Wires from copper tabs connect to BFW feedthrough Feedthrough to be grounded and RF shielded Courtesy: C. Field, Y.Sung
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Alignment Procedure at SLAC (outside Vacuum) Coordinate system definition Wire card positioning and alignment Transformation Factor from BFW tooling balls wire card QC Instruction List
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Alignment Procedure (in Vacuum) Wire position found using TB values Repeatability check Wire position check in virtual beamline coordinate system QC Instruction List
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Test: Sample ‘Good’ Data, BFW #7 All Data, courtesy: SLAC QC, E. Lundahl, K. Caban, T. Nakashima X (<65) Y (<30) Wire191 TB549 TB6410 TB733 TB818
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Test: Sample ‘Bad’ Data - old design of BFW #2 X (<65) Y (<30) Card Position (before vacuum) TB53178 TB63288 TB71875 TB818
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Test: Sample Data, BFW #12 Vacuum Test 1 Measurement Method: Under Vacuum 200 cycles, 10 measurements, Random sampling Relaxation time between cycles: ~ 1 second X (<65)Y (<30) Wire14515 TB53376 TB63352 TB74115 TB84155
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Test: Sample Data, BFW #12 Vacuum Test 2 BFW #12 RFI-ed Tested for repeatability at ANL (All units are tested at ANL) Wire position verified at SLAC Wire repeatability verified with delayed cycles (small sample size) at SLAC SLAC Procedure to calibrate devices using small sample size + delayed cycle measurement X (<65)Y (<30) ANL Wire Position Repeatability Test (100 cycles) 122 SLAC Wire Position (10 cycles)313 TB51922 TB61816 TB7116 TB81115 Measurement Method: Under Vacuum Another 10 cycles, 10 measurements, Consecutive sampling Relaxation time between cycles: ~ 1 minute
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW : Status Reminder Shipped from Argonne Total Received at SLAC In TransitRFIQC Testing in process Awaiting QC Awaiting retesting Old design BFWs (#16,17) 7 (#4,5,6,9,7,12,29) 1 (#24) 2 (#15,32) 1 (#13) 2 (#1,2) Process Time per Assembly: ~ 1 day
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ ¼-20-UNC Screws 1 and 2 ¼-20-UNC Screws 3 and 4 This precision screw remains fixed Socket head screw loosens and tightens collar on precision screws Socket head for adjusting the precision screws Top View X-Precision Screws. Do not touch Y-Precision Screws 10, 11, and 12 ¼-20-UNC Screws 5, 6 and 7 (Brass washers under heads are not shown) Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL
Venkat Srinivasan FAC: BFW Test Update 06/17/ BFW Assembly (Body Sectioned) Wire Card Down in Inactive Mode Wire card (Down Position) Lower Limit Switch (Actuated Position) Pneumatic Solenoid Valve (Cylinder Vent Position) Internal Return Spring (Expanded Position) Electrical Connectors (Down Position) Internal Kinematic Stop Plates (Open Position) Bellows Seal (Compressed Position) BEAM Potentiometer (Out Position) Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL