Developing e-learning strategies in sparsely populated area Joint Authority of Kainuu, Finland Part II Details, Analysis, Transferability DART-Workshop “Lifelong Learning” Prague, Viivi Seppänen, Kainuu Vocational College
YEAR 2005
Name: Verkossa kokien / E-project Kainuu Duration: Budget: , 00 € Funding: European Social Fund (ESF), The TE-Centre of Kainuu, Joint Authority of Kainuu Region Management: Kainuu Vocational College Personnel: (2005) 1 ½ fulltime, ( ) 2 fulltime + 6 teachers Basic Information
Main goals of the project were: to promote the use of the network-based teaching throughout the Kainuu province to implement e-learning in the region’s labour-market-training-oriented adult education and training to launch three training programmes leading to qualifications improve eLearning skills, create support models and common grounds for participants involved Objectives of The Project
536 k m 246 k m The Project – Reasons and Motivation Population centres in the Province of Kainuu are widely spaced Increasing unemployment 4 inhabitants / sqkm It is important to exploit the contemporary technology and the associated possibilities
The Project – Organizer and Partner Kainuu Vocational College, administration Kainuu Vocational College, Adult Vocational Education, implementation The TE-Centre of Kainuu, the province’s Employment and Economic Development Centre 8 employment agencies Enterprises who offered training places and whos labour force the students are about to fill n Students taking part in educational pilot programmes
The Project – Organizer and Partner The target group placed in operation field
Population of the Kainuu Province in 2004 (employment situation of the working age people) MunipalicityPopulation15-64 vEmployed Employment rate Hyrynsalmi ,6 %88745,6 % Kajaani ,2 % ,4 % Kuhmo ,5 %338150,0 % Paltamo ,5 %139551,9 % Puolanka ,3 %109950,0 % Ristijärvi ,9 %53854,1 % Sotkamo ,9 %394857,4 % Suomussalmi ,6 %324649,8 % Vaala ,3 %119352,0 % Vuolijoki ,7 %85152,6 % Kainuu ,8 % % Koko maa ,7 % ,7 % Background Information
Kainuu Vocational College, a versatile vocational educational institution Multiple sites around Kainuu region 31 different study programs on various sectors: Culture, Natural Resources and Environment, Business and Administration, Social Welfare and Health Care, Technology, Logistics and ICT, Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services. E-learning experience = zero ( in 2005 ) About 2600 full-time students in vocational education and training and 5649 students in adult education and training Full time staff about 420
Preplanning of the project Equipment acquisition + support and administration models of the e-learning environments and video conferencing platform Planning and implementation of the training programs: 1. Study Programme for Vehicle Electricians Business and Administration 2. Further Vocational Qualification in Document Management and Archiving 3. Specialist Vocational Qualification in Care for the Elderly Participation from three counties at the same time Measures 1 / 3 E-learning environment 1 / 3 Practical work 1 / 3 Video conferencing
Measures Research and evaluation Training of the project staff and other partners Sharing good practices Project management
(Expected) Results Developed educational implementation model for adult education and training leading to qualification (Common grounds for the education provider and the employment agencies) Participants involved know their responsibilitys during the training process Analysis for the demand & Educational Planning Acquisition of the education and training Student intake Student selection Implementation of the Educational Programme Feedback Further actions
(Expected) Results Graduates and employment after graduation Experiences from the pilot programmes -- > Sharing the good practices continued ProgrammeGraduates Employed Employed Further Vocational Qualification in Document Management and Archiving 14 (from 14) 4 29 %5 36 % Study Programme for Vehicle Electricians 11 (from 12) 1 9 %3 27 % Specialist Vocational Qualification in Care for the Elderly 13 (from 13) 6 46 %11 85 % In total 38 (expected 30) %19 50 %
Factors of success Commitment of the partners involved Knowledge and resources of the teachers and support staff involved Previous know-how and basic skills of the students Management involvement
Challenges The challenge is to meet the current demand of the labor market in order to offer the correct educational programs to provide the best possibilities for the student’s employment the lack of the resources with time and personnel
Standards and Indicators External evaluation was done by University of Oulu, Research and Development Centre of Kajaani The object of the evaluation was The planning and implementation processes Efficiency and effectiveness and Benefits and importance of the project Good practices and points to develop where dealt with in all three areas
Hanke päättyi ja kehittäminen jatkui. Seuraava massiivinen sisäinen hanke 2009: Uutta virtaa Hanke päättyi ja kehittäminen jatkui. Seuraava massiivinen sisäinen hanke 2009: Uutta virtaa YEAR
E-learning development continued 2009 internal project: ”New energy“ Main goal was to Development After the Project develop a support model for e-learning
YEAR 2011
E-learning in Kainuu Vocational College today E-learning support services are under further development and a part of everyday life Support for teachers and students is implemented as planned Model contains themes for - Technical and pedagogical support - Introductions and trainings & Guides - Communications and publicity - Developing and administrating support
E-learning in Kainuu Vocational College today E-learning volume continually grows in all education Moodle and Adobe Connect are the most important environments
E-learning in Kainuu Vocational College today E-learning awareness and know-how grows, trainings for teachers are offered all the time New devices and softwares are put into service The main themes are social media, Second Life, mobile learning and interactive whiteboards
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