Proposal and Documentation Bottom-up Web Design Guyen Dinh
1. Goals and Objectives Goals and Objectives: Project Goal: To construct a website for my employment porfolio Objectives: To achieve this goal, this project must: 1. Appeal to my potential employers with great visuals 2. Have a cohesive and consistent organization/ layout. 3. Help the reader to quickly and easily understand my message. 4. Enhance user’s interactivity Proposed interactive project:. Problem: To revamp my previous design in project 2( porfolio)for my new homepage and for a broader use.. Prediction: Maintain the general outlook but diminish the complexity in a design. Increase web interactivity.. Procedure: Add more links and descriptions. Simplify the background, maximize the size of a frame which displays the artworks. Choose a more legible font. Data: Incorporate my graphic works and text. Conclusion: A communicative design will allow me to post more varieties of works.
2. Documentation Scope Estimated Time: 3 days ( 5 hours/day x 3 = 15 hours) Assets: Assets availlable to complete project: 1. Mac computer 2. Text Editor: Text Wrangler 3. FTP Fetch Scope estimate: 2 days Actual Time: Actual time to complete project (in hours): 22 hours Assets: Actual assets used to complete project: same Scope estimate: Final project Scope:same
Production Guide Look and Feel This project “look and feel” can be described as: natural, classic, Correlation to Goal Visual Specifics: Color NameRGB NumberHexadecimal Number orange#F3B044 Green yellow
Typography Usage Font NameFont size text Gill Sans 9px textComic Sans11px
Usabiility/User Interface Design Personas of intended users: art and design-related corporate, personal clients, family and friends Age bracket: years old Types of careers: art/creative directors, designers.
User’s tests: 1. Alexandra (22yrs old, graphic designer) Goals: to be successful in her future of design, staying creative. Have a good family. Needs in a website: clear, easy to find navigations. All open on the same page 2. Jenny (24yrs old, copywriter, graphic designer) Goals: Live comfortably. Work in various environments. Needs in a website : good content, unconventional but user-friendly layout designs 3. Leilah ( (21 yrs old, advertising art director major) Goals: graduate, get a job she enjoys, lives w/o a roomate, travel Interests: sculpture, drawing, painting, reading trashy vampire novels Frustrations: cell phone bill, the Columbia grading system Needs in a website: exotic designs, graphic elements.
User testing documentation (User Interface Design)
Of all users I’ve asked, here are a few notes I need to improve my website: Add: picture link, links (resume, graphics, personal blogs, class projects, home, contact info)
3. URI Location and Additional Details URI: Description of files: this is my new homepage featuring class projects and my individual portfolio
4. Credits Rollovers Drop-down menu :