FINAL PRESENTATION Lost Café 66 EE 296 5/6/2004
Introduction of Team Team Leader: Arthur Phanphengdy Members: Quincy Quach Kang Lu Jackson Ng
Brief Overview of Project Build an autonomous mouse that traverses through and solves a 16x16 maze Compete against other teams to see which mouse finds the center the fastest or who traveled the most cells. Follow the rules of micromouse Have fun!
Overall Design Chassis built from L Bars Top-down Sensors Stepper Motors Rabbit Dynamic C 8 AA Batteries Minimize work
Initial Goals Find the center and map out maze – Know where it is Minimize work – Simplify design as much as we can => less work Attempt to have a bi-directional mouse Traverse the maze without any problems – Turn 90 deg into and out of turns and corners – Align mouse throughout maze
Initial Goals Original Sensor Layout
In Reality Created a right-wall hugger – Adjusted code to align itself Does not map out or solve maze No correction 90 degree Blind Turns Really minimized number of sensors used Least top-down sensor UH ever seen
In Reality Built a 5 sensor mouse! BUT ONLY USING 3 SENSORS!!!
WE GOT TO THE B square! New record: 3 sensors used, moved w/o crashing total of 30 squares
Final Status Right-wall hugger 3 wall sensors, 2 alignment sensors not used No alignment code. – Code adjusted to help align mouse a little Does not know where it is in the maze – No mapping or solving 3 forward speeds – 1 st speed for turns and moving forward one cell – 2 nd speed used to accelerate to next speed – 3 rd speed for long corridors
Final Status Program – Actual code (only main() function) is about 150 lines, – Mainly consists of: nested if, while, and for statements – Reads which walls present, then decides where to move (not go). – Count steps for 90 deg. turns (sometimes) – Corrects itself with present code (no alignment code) – 3 speeds (just for fun)
PROBLEMS!!! Motor circuit & PC Boards, soldering bad == junk connection – Sensors does not work properly at times – Not enough current going to motors; don’t move – One of the motors does not work properly at times Sensor placement is not precise – Didn’t really measure, just placed it – Bad soldering Programming – Getting used to Dynamic C Syntax Miscommunication among the team Time constraints and time conflicts among team members
MORE PROBLEMS!!! No planning – Basically built and soldered everything w/o having a planned layout Lots of time spent on those 5 sensors This project is very time consuming (Saturday’s spent in school) Cost of material is high Rabbit died. Needed to borrow another rabbit from someone extremely nice.
Our Little Mouse Clip 1 - Right-wall hugger; turning Clip 2 - Correction -Accelerates to 2 nd speed at the end of each run If our mouse doesn’t work today, we have proof that it works!
Conclusion Gained experience A lot of things we would have done differently – Maybe more than 5 sensors We enjoyed ourselves We learned a lot Made a lot of new friends Had fun Probably try again next year (w/ side sensors, 45’s, and S turns) Redo our 3 sensor mouse w/o a rabbit. Maybe for 396 project.
AND WE ’ RE DONE …. Questions???
Hawai ’ i Lion Dance Competition Aug 28, Blaisdell Center $15 and up Teams from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hawai’i would be competing for $10,000 I’ll be competing That’s me ======