By Prof. Lydia Ayers
Üsküdar (Turkish Folk Song) Üsküdar (Turkish Folk Song) B MinorB Minor
TemperamentsTemperaments adjustments made to some intervals in a tuning systemadjustments made to some intervals in a tuning system 5-tone equal temperament (slendro, Indonesia) 5-tone equal temperament (slendro, Indonesia) 7-tone equal temperament (Thailand) 7-tone equal temperament (Thailand) 12-tone equal temperament (Europe, etc.)12-tone equal temperament (Europe, etc.) 13-tone equal temperament13-tone equal temperament 16-tone equal temperament16-tone equal temperament 19-tone equal temperament19-tone equal temperament 31-tone equal temperament31-tone equal temperament......
[i:62]C Major Scale in 12-Tone Equal Temperament [i:62] C Major Scale in 12-Tone Equal Temperament [i:63]major chord in 12-tone equal temperament[i:63] major chord in 12-tone equal temperament [i:56]just major chord[i:56] just major chord
[i:64]Comparing Tuning Systems for the Major Scale [i:64] Comparing Tuning Systems for the Major Scale
Review Question The letters "A B C D E F G" are:The letters "A B C D E F G" are: A.the first 7 letters of the western alphabet M.the letters we use to represent musical pitches Q.the answers to the first 7 questions on the mid-term exam S.the A natural minor scale
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