Using the Book Cart
Step 1: Saving items to book cart in 4 ways. +
i.on the results page: click on add to book cart.
ii.on the record screen: click on save records.
iii.on subject, author, or title lists: check the boxes and click save.
iv.on subject, author, or title lists: click on save all on page.
Step 2: notice 3 new buttons.
The view saved button
allows you to view your book cart.
The clear saved button
clears your book cart.
The in book cart button
indicates which titles are in your book cart.
Clicking on this will delete title from book cart.
Step 3: view book cart
Click on view saved
to see the book cart.
Click on extended display
to view location and call numbers.
To delete titles
check box and
click update list.
Title deleted.
Step 4: titles to yourself E-
Select brief display,
enter your and subject line
and click submit.
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