Watching the Economy Using the Tools in the Toolbox Kevin Kargacin New Mexico State Data Center UNM Bureau of Business & Economic Research
Tracking the trends What is the geography and time frame? What are my options? Is there more? What are the final products? Using the Tools in the Toolbox
State and MSAs Overview Broad coverage Economy as a whole All major sectors Current, consistent and long time series Monthly or quarterly Using the Tools in the Toolbox
State and MSAs Data options for a current overview of the economy State LMI agencies/BLS data (state & MSAs) Current Employment Statistics (CES) (state and MSAs, but sector coverage varies) Quarterly Census of Emp. & Wages (QCEW) for wages Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) BEA data (state) Personal income and components Wages or Earnings by sector LED data (state & MSAs) Using the Tools in the Toolbox
State and MSAs Detailed topics for select sectors Agriculture Cash receipts and milk production (state) Mining Quantity and value of production—oil, natural gas and coal (state) Construction Permits and projects (state and selected areas) Retail Trade Sales (state & MSAs) Using the Tools in the Toolbox
Detailed topics for select sectors (continued) Real estate and rental and leasing Home sales (selected areas only) Tourism related Hotel occupancy (state & selected areas), lodgers tax (state & selected areas), park visits (state), restaurant sales (state & MSAs), airport passenger traffic (Albuquerque) Government General fund receipts (state)
State and MSAs Sources for detailed topics Agriculture US Dept. of Agriculture, National Ag. Stats. Service Mining US Dept. of Energy, Energy Info. Admin.; NM Taxation & Revenue Dept. Construction Census Bureau and local permit issuing places; McGraw Hill, Dodge Local Const. Potentials Bulletin Retail Trade NM Taxation & Revenue Dept. Using the Tools in the Toolbox
Sources for detailed topics (continued) Real estate and rental and leasing National Association of Realtors & local boards of realtors Tourism related Rocky Mountain Lodging Report; NM Dept. of Finance & Admin.; US Dept. of Interior, National Park Service; NM Energy, Minerals and Nat. Res. Dept., Parks Division; NM Taxation & Revenue Dept.; and City of Albuquerque Government NM Dept. of Finance & Admin.
Counties Overview Broad coverage Economy as a whole All major sectors Current, consistent and long time series Monthly or quarterly Using the Tools in the Toolbox
Counties Data options for a current overview of the economy State LMI agencies/BLS data QCEW employment and wage data Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) LED data Using the Tools in the Toolbox
Counties Detailed topics for select sectors Mining Quantity and value of production (oil & gas cos.) Construction Permits and projects (selected areas) Retail Trade Sales (all counties) Real estate and rental and leasing Home sales (selected areas) Tourism related Hotel occupancy, lodgers tax, park visits, restaurant sales (all for selected areas) Using the Tools in the Toolbox
State, MSAs and/or counties Products Quarterly data for the business weekly newspaper (state, MSAs & selected areas) Biannual data for the daily newspaper (state, Albuquerque City & Albuquerque MSA) Monthly data for the BBER statistical newsletter (state, MSAs & selected areas) Quarterly data tables and maps for the BBER web site (state and counties) Annual data for the BBER statistical newsletter supplement (state, MSAs & selected areas) Forecasting model (state and MSAs) Using the Tools in the Toolbox