New Literacies Andrew Esposito Soledad Barragan-Godinez
Terms Computer Literacy - This refers to the skills required to perform a variety of tasks related to computer language and use. Information Literacy - The ability to create, understand, and retrieve information quickly.
Terms Continued Media Literacy – the ability to access, evaluate, and produce media products. Visual Literacy - the ability to interpret visual messages accurately and to create such messages.
Promethean ActivBoard 500 ActivBoard 500 In Action
Where? Activboard can be found in all sorts of environments, such as: - School Classrooms - Doctors Offices - Business Offices Price: Activboard 500 with projector $ 5, Promethean World's Website
Sources Youtube Promethean World. Promethean. Web. 16 June Semali, Ladislaus M. "Defining New Literacies in Curricular Practice." Reading Online. Web. 16 June