Searching The Internet for Resources Mabroukeh, Nizar R. COE 485 – Senior Project Design
Nizar Mabroukeh, Tips For Search on The Web §Try to limit the search as much as possible. Use logical operators. Try to use exact phrases. §Don’t let irrelevant topics drag you. §Know what you want exactly, and it would be good if you know where you want it from. §Always try to go to the source first..
Nizar Mabroukeh, Documents §If you are looking for documents like papers, white papers, technical reports, journals…etc, it would be good to go to the source of these documents directly by URL if you know it. §Utilize FTP sites for this purpose. §You might need tools for uncompressing files and other professional viewer software. §If you can’t find the complete document try to find the address of the author and him to send you a hardcopy.
Nizar Mabroukeh, Hardware §Go to the vendor website. §Compare prices with different vendors. §Compare different technology. §Locate the nearest storehouse next to you. §Make sure that this is what you really need.
Nizar Mabroukeh, Software §Try free download sites first, like: §Look for best offer, check out §It is always good to get an evaluation or trial copy first before buying the software so you know if it is what you want.
Nizar Mabroukeh, Search Engines §The followings are some of the best: (meta search engine)
Nizar Mabroukeh, Some Helpful Sites Read books at: