Table 6-2. Classes Defined by Class, Status, and Party Class Location Base of Class Location ClassStatusParty Upper ClassWealthyLeisureActive CorporateWealthyBusinessActive ManagerialRichBusinessProbably Votes ProfessionalRichProfessionalMay be Active Working ClassModerateFamilyMight Vote Lower ClassPoorStreetInactive
Table 5-6. Wright’s Class Categories, Defined by Ownership, Employees, Skill, and Persons Supervised Relations of Production ClassOwns M.O.P. Employs Workers Skill Level Supervises Others CapitalistYesManyVariableUsually Petty- Bourgeois YesFewVariableFew ProfessionalNo ExpertNo ManagerNo ExpertYes SupervisorNo LowYes Skilled Worker No MediumNo WorkerNo LowNo
Table 5-5. The Convergence of Occupational, Bureaucratic, and Property Divisions on Class Categories Positions in three main types of institutional structures Class categoriesOccupation Bureaucratic Authority Property Relation Upper ClassHigh Owner Corporate ClassHigh Non-Owner Middle ClassHigh to MidMidNon-Owner Working ClassMid to LowLowNon-Owner Lower ClassLow Non-Owner
Table 8-3. Percent of Civilian Labor Force by Occupation, (Kerbo, p. 211) Occupation Professionals4%5%7%11%15%13%16% Managers6%7% 11% 15% Sales/tech5% 7%6% 15% Clerical3%8%10%15%18%15%13% Total White Collar18%25%31%43%50%54%59% Crafts11%13% 11% Operatives13%16%18% 15%11%13% Laborers12% 9%5% 4% Service9%8%12% 14%18%14% Farmers38%27%17%8%3% Total Blue Collar83%76%68%56%50%47%41%
Table 1. Annual Average Salary, , for Part-time and Full-time Males and Females Working in an Academic Department Gender StatusMaleFemaleTotal Part-time-$14,306 N=3 $14,306 N=3 Full-time$79,491 N=19 $51,631 N=14 $67,672 N=33 Total$79,491 N=19 $45,032 N=17 $63,219 N=36
Table 2. Average Salary for Faculty by Gender by Rank Gender RankMaleFemaleTotal Full$101,958 N=9 $108,588 N=2 $103,164 N=11 Associate$65,119 N=6 $67,770 N=2 $65,782 N=8 Assistant$56,535 N=2 $58,332 N=3 $57,613 N=5 Total$83,612 N=17 $75,387 N=7 81,213 N=24
Table 3. Average Salary for Faculty With Ph.D. After 1990 by Gender by Rank Gender RankMaleFemaleTotal Associate$65,620 N=1 $64,090 N=1 $64,855 N=2 Assistant$56,535 N=2 $58,332 N=3 $57,613 N=5 Total$59,563 N=3 $59,771 N=4 $59,682 N=7
Table 4. Average Salary for Faculty With Ph.D. Before 1991 by Gender by Rank Gender RankMaleFemaleTotal Full$101,958 N=9 $108,588 N=2 $103,164 N=11 Associate$65,019 N=5 $71,450 N=1 $66,091 N=6 Total$88,766 N=14 $96,208 N=3 $90,079 N=17
Figure Racial and Gender Gaps (Compared to White Men) in Mean Income, Source: Hogan and Perrucci 2006 (, 2005)
Figure Median U.S. Household Net Worth by Race and Hispanic (sic) Origin, 1991 and 2001 (from Kerbo, p. 33) and Percent of White Wealth for Black and Latino Households (Calculated from Kerbo, p. 33)
Table 10-6.Wright’s Class Categories by Race and Sex (Kerbo, p. 321) ClassWhite MalesWhite FemalesBlack MalesBlack Females Capitalist3.0%0.7%0% Small employer8.2%4.9%0%1.3% Petit Bourgeois6.4%8.8%3.6%0% Tot Self Empl17.6%14.4%3.6%1.3% Expert Mgrs8.5%2.8%5.1%0% Skilled Mgrs5.7%2.4%2.0%0% Unskilled Mgrs2.3%3.9%1.0%6.3% Expert Super4.2%1.7%1.3%1.7% Skilled Super7.9%4.3%7.5%2.0% Unskilled Supr5.0%9.3%4.6%7.7% Experts3.2%3.5%2.9%1.8% Skilled Worker17.4%7.7%23.3%10.9% Unskilled Wkr28.2%50.0%47.7%68.4%
Table 5. Average Salaries for Professors with Ph.D. Before 1991, by Gender and Rank, Hired Before 1991 or After 1990 Hired Before 1991 Gender RankMaleFemaleTotal Full$90,844 (N=6)$107,945 (N=1)$93,287 (N=7) Associate$62,130 (N=4)$71,450 (N=1)$63,994 (N=5) Total$79,359 (N=10)$89,698 (N=2)$81,082 (N=12) Hired After 1990 Gender RankMaleFemaleTotal Full$124,187 (N=3)$109,230 (N=1)$120,448 (N=4) Associate$76,575 (N=1)- Total 112,284 (N=4)$109,230 (N=1)$111,673 (N=5)