Rajiv Gupta Chen Tian, Min Feng, Vijay Nagarajan Speculative Parallelization of Applications on Multicores
2 Goal: Exploit parallelism frequently observed --- not guaranteed to be present due the presence of dependences: Dependences due to Cold Code Dependences that are Harmless Dependences that are Silent Speculative Parallelization
3 Thread-based Execution Model Non-Speculative thread and state Speculative threads and state Committing Results Rollback-free Recovery Software Only – Coarse-grained parallelism Speculative parallelization of loops Speedups on a real machine Outline
4 Main Thread Performs Non-speculative Computation Non-Parallelizable Code Parts of Parallelized Code Controls Parallel Threads Initialization & Memory Allocation Termination & Miss-speculation Checks Commit Results In-Order Multiple Parallel Threads Perform Speculative Computations E.g., Speculative Loop Bodies Execution Model
5 prologue speculative body epilogue Static codeSequential Execution p1 e1 sp1 p2 e2 sp2 p3 e3 sp3 p4 sp4 e4 Execution Model
6 prologue speculative body epilogue Static codeSequential Execution p1 e1 sp1 p2 e2 sp2 p3 e3 sp3 p4 sp4 e4 Parallel Execution Main threadP1P2 1.In-order commit. 2.At any time, only two threads are executing. So the main thread doesn’t require a separate core. Execution Model
7 Non-Speculative State (D space) Maintained by the main thread. Speculative State (P space) Allocated by the main thread and used by parallel threads. Results will be either committed to D space or discarded. Coordinating State (C space) Version number for variables in D space. Mapping table for variables in P space. Main Thread D space C space Parallel Thread P space Parallel Thread …… Memory State
8 Naïve scheme Copy-in: copy values from D space to P space when work assigned. Copy-out: copy variable values from P space to D space when the speculation check succeeds. Optimized scheme Use profiling to discover access pattern of variables in the speculative loop body. In-Out, Only-in, Only-out and Thread-local. Unknown variables untouched in the profiling run. Copied on-the-fly through message passing. Mapping table Mapping information of those variables. D space address, P space address, size, version and write-flag. Updated when variables are copied into P space. Referred to when variables are copied back to D space. Copy Operations
9 Version number – maintained by the main thread For each variable that is potentially read/written by parallel threads. Version number is copied into mapping table when the corresponding variable is being copied into P space. Miss-speculation check – performed by the main thread For every entry in the mapping table, compare its version number with the one maintained by the main thread. If all are same, the speculation succeeds. Perform the copy-out operations. Update the version numbers accordingly. If any version number is different, the speculation fails because some earlier thread has changed this variable’s value: Re-execute the speculative body with the latest value. Value-based dependence check. Rollback Free Recovery Miss-speculation Check
10 Access Checks to consult the mapping table at: Loads and Stores Pointer Assignments Reducing Overhead of Access Checks Stack & Global variables: Based upon classification. In-Out, Only-in, Only-out, Thread-local. Heap: Optimizations beyond classification. Locally created objects require no checks. Once object is copied, other fields accessed without checking. Copy-on-write only: No checks needed at Loads; Since version number not copied on a read, miss-speculation detection implicitly carried out by another copied variable. On-the-fly Copying
11 Reducing Thread Idling Scenario: an earlier thread finishes its task, but the main thread has not finished assigning tasks to later threads, and hence cannot handle this earlier thread. Performance fell when 4 or more parallel threads are used. Solution: assign more work to each thread by loop unrolling. Reducing Miss-speculation Rate Scenario: the value of a speculative variable being used by a thread is changed by an earlier thread, and hence the speculation fails. For benchmark 181.mcf, the miss-speculation rate becomes higher when more threads are used. Solution : delay copying of some variables - on-the-fly mechanism. Increases the chance of getting the latest version. Other Enhancements
12 Prologue Input statements (e.g. fgets). Loop counters. Epilogue Output statements (e.g. printf) Statements highly-dependent on previous iteration. E.g. line_handled while (){ line = read_one_line(input_file); if (line cannot be parsed) { error_num++; } else { result = parse(line); } line_handled ++; print(result); } An example from 197.parse Speculative body The remainder. Loop carried dependence on error_num rarely manifests itself. Speculative Parallelization
13 while (){ Prologue code; Speculative body code; Epilogue code } Assign a new iteration for (i=0; i < Num_Proc; i++) { allocate P and C space for thread i; Prologue code; create thread i to execute thrd_func (i); } reset i = 0; while() { while (speculation_check(i) == FAIL) { update P and C space for thread i; re-execute thrd_func (i); } commit result and execute Epilogue code; Prologue code; update P and C space for thread i; ask thread i to execute thrd_func (i); i= (i+1) % Num_Proc; } wait for all threads’ completion and execute Epilogue code; Create thread and initialize their tasks Handle misspeculation In-order commit Main Thread
14 while (){ Prologue code; Speculative body code; Epilogue code } void * thrd_func(i) { while (1) { wait for the “start” message; Speculative body code; send “finish” message; } Parallel Thread Checks preceding/following Loads, Stores, Pointer Assignments
15 Profiling tool (Pin) Dependence graph and access patterns Compiler infrastructure (LLVM) Binary and a small input Source code objdump Symbols Transformation Template x86 binary -native option Dell PowerEdge 1900 Two Intel Xeon Quadcores 3 GHz, 16 GB Experimental Setup
16 Benchmarks 5 SPEC benchmarks 197.parser, 181.mcf, 130.li, 256.bzip2 & 255.vortex. 1 MiBench benchmark CRC32 - Best speedup achieved among all benchmarks. Variables in speculative body (obtained via profiling) ProgramsOnly-InOnly-OutThread LocalIn-Out 197.parser mcf li bzip vortex CRC Dell PowerEdge 1900 server with two quad-core processors, 3GHz, &16 GB. Experimental Setup
17 All benchmarks get the best speedup when 8 threads are used. The highest speedups ranges from 3.7 to 7.8 across all benchmarks. Execution Speedups
18 Thread Idling
19 Without delayed copying, miss-speculation rate of 181.mcf increases from 0.7% to 17.5% as the number of parallel thread increases from 2 to 8. With delayed copying, miss-speculation rate of 181.mcf is below 10%. The miss-speculation rate of other benchmarks is less than 2%. Delayed Copying Threads
20 Considered three schemes: 1. All: all variables copied before parallel thread starts work Unnecessary copying occurs. 2. On-the-fly: all variables copied on-the-fly via message passing Need to check every variable to see if it has been copied into P space 3. Opt. : profiling used to determine when to copy Copy Optimization
21 The experiment shows the result when 4 threads are used. Opt. outperforms other two schemes. On-the-fly outperforms all when heap accesses dominate (bzip2, mcf). Copy Optimization
22 Overhead breakdown per core when 8 threads are used. No more than 7% of total instructions are used for operations related to the execution model. ProgramsCopy On Start Copy On-the-fly Exception Check Miss-speculation Check Setup 197.parser 3.51%0.33%0.02%1.76%0.62% 181.mcf 0.08%0% 1.08%0.07% 130.li 1.32%0.25%0.06%1.03%0.48% 256.bzip2 1.97%0.13%0.08%2.81%2.15% 255.vortex 5.28%0.04%0.01%1.25%0.39% CRC %0% 0.01%0.32% Overhead – Instruction Count
23 For most benchmarks, the space overhead is around 2-3x. 256.bzip2 - a large chunk of heap needs to be copied to P space. Overhead – Memory Space