Chapter 6
Body composition ◦ The ratio of Body fat to Lean Body Tissue ◦ a healthy body fat percentage is (women) 21 and 33 percent from ages 20 to 40 23 to 35 percent from ages 41 to 60 24 to 36 percent at 61 to 79 women have an average body fat percentage of 34 percent ◦ A healthy body fat percentage is (men) 8 to 19 percent from ages 20 to 40 11 to 22 percent from ages 41 to 60 13 to 25 percent from 61 to 79 men have an average body fat percentage of 23 percent
Anorexia Nervosa ◦ A person does not eat or eats very little ◦ Starve themselves ◦ Body cannibalizes itself for energy Bulimia ◦ Binge and purge ◦ Laxatives ◦ Body cannibalizes itself for energy
Overeating ◦ Disorder where a person binges on food Stress Unhappy Depressed Diets ◦ Fad Diets Don’t work, restricting nutrients Roller Coaster ◦ Portion control diets Jenny Craig Weight Watchers
Weight Loss Pills ◦ Stimulants Dangerous for blood pressure and cardiovascular system Billions spent each year on miracle pill Best Way/Only Way ◦ Diet Modification ◦ Exercise Modification ◦ Burn more calories than you take in.