Virtual reality interfaces in connection with building process simulations. Prof. Nash Dawood Centre for Construction Innovation Research University of Teesside
Lecture Content Brief introduction to the simulation process VR Technologies and interfaces Benefits of utilising VR in connection with simulation processes. Cases and examples from research projects, including Business Process issues.
Simulation processes: an introduction Simulation is about process modeling (digitally or physical) of a real world/system and examine its performance under a wide range of variables. In this lecture we are concerned with digital simulation where computer models are used to mimic real situation and examined under different situations.
Building & Construction simulation processes What are the building processes that we are trying to simulate: Simulation of construction sites layouts Simulation of construction equipments working together Simulation of production lines and construction schedules.
Simulations Collections of objects (cells) that are modeled and connected to form a particular system (for example: no of units in which a particular machine can process per time, etc)
Simulation techniques How we build models Event oriented simulation (can be through user interaction) Time oriented simulation a mixture of the above.
Interfacing with simulation models Is the ability of the simulation model to accept instructions (inputs) for users while the simulation process is in progress.
Virtual Reality What is a VR VR is the simulation of a real or imagined environment that can be experienced visually in three dimensions and that may additionally provide an interactive experience visually in full real-time motion with sound, etc..
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language, is the standard for the web and allows the creator to specify images and rules for their display and interaction using textual language statements. It's a scene description language that describes the geometry and behavior of a 3D scene or "world".
VRML Features Standard objects (cube, sphere, cone, cylinder, text) Arbitrary objects (surfaces, linesets, pointsets) Ability to fly through, walk through, examine scenes Lights Cameras (viewpoints) Textures on objects Clickable links Define and reuse objects
VRML Features Animated objects Switches Sensors Scripts (Java or JavaScript) for behaviors Interpolators (color, position, orientation, etc.) Extrusions Background colors and textures Sound (.wav and MIDI) Animated textures
VRML Structure VRML worlds (single or group that load at the same time) They can range from simple objects to very complex scenes Browse VRML VB 3D CAD Converter
Examples The Virtual Construction site VRML interfaces Stockyard layout