COE Faculty Meeting, Fall 2001 Building Projects and COE Master Plan 2001 Carlo H. Séquin
CITRIS Funding Pledges: u 100M$ from the State of California mostly for buildings, infrastructure. u ~200M$ matching funds and pledges from corporate and private donors, research grants.
Current Building Plans #1: Cory Hall Rejuvenation: ==> Create some new space; ==> Make usable any poor space; ==> Most quickly yields project and surge space. #2: Citris II (Davis North Replacement): ==> Create some new space; ==> A brand new building; ==> Yields the bulk of new space! #3: Citris I (Soda Hall Extension): ==> As it is in the EIR it is mostly under ground; ==> Postponed for now.
CORY HALL Renovation NorthSouth
CORY HALL Renovation CITRIS IINew Atrium Possible connections between the 2 buildings WestEast
CITRIS II Building An Interdisciplinary IT Building u Microfab Laboratory (20k asf) u Distance Learning Facilities u High-tech Classrooms u Interdisciplinary Research Space A maximum of about 85k asf total
Programming Citris II A Challenging Task ! u Who are all the users ? u What are all the functions that we need to accommodate ? u What style research space is most preferred ? u What will it look like ? u How does it relate to the Naval Architecture Building ?
CITRIS II Site HMMB Hesse Cory Nav.Ar. McLaugh. Mining C. Evans Davis
Building Program Committee Chair: Vice Provost Bill Webster u Representatives from Participating Departments: CE, Chemistry, EECS, IEOR, ME, Physics … u Campus Planning Bodies: PD&C, Acad. Plan. & Facilities,... u Architects: Johnson Fain Partners (JFP). u Fact-finding process to develop a program for this building is under way: Focus group meetings.
COE Master Plan CITRIS II is a challenge … CITRIS II is also an opportunity: u A large new building at the center of COE u Possibility for: l A new focal point for COE l Reorganize the distribution of shared facilities l Improve the traffic patterns within COE precinct Need to look at it in a larger context!
COE Master Plan u Johnson Fain Partners have also been given the charter to draft (by ) a Master Plan for COE for the next years: u Consider Other Building Projects u Improve Pedestrian Traffic u Improve Service Access to Buildings u Give COE an identity and make it an integral Part of the Campus
Entry Points
Challenges Ahead u Come up with some concrete recommendations for building plans and construction priorities. u Develop a staging and surging plan, that keeps instruction and research going, and that moves everybody into new and improved “homes” with the fewest moves. u Continue fund-raising to make it all happen.