Telecare and TeleHealth: Towards Service Integration and User Empowerment
Telecare in Kent - Background KCC: £2.25m investment in Telecare services, promoting security, independence and wellbeing Telecare not new - multiple existing community alarm providers; environmental control systems already widespread Social care / health services must make more use of technology if we are to provide more flexible services for ageing population
Self – Managing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) Diabetes Congestive Heart Disease (CHF) Using: Unique user friendly interfaces. Simple telephone connection to the provider via the web. Customisable, personalised scheduler, reminder and alarm. Reporting tools include tracking and alerts. Disease management questions and answers. Send advice messages to the client. TeleHealth - a Chronic Disease Management Tool
Telecare in Kent - Experiences 3 pilot sites in Phase 1, from July 2004; 3 more sites in Phase 2, from July 2006, now 800+ service users ‘Just another tool in the bag’ Positive feedback from service users and carers - 93% felt more independent since Telecare was installed, and 93% also felt safer in their own homes Case examples for Telecare and Telehealth
Key Lessons So Far Response / Support infrastructure essential to success Realising potential of Telecare / Telehealth means Better use of existing resources, Improved communication and partnership working between professionals, users and carers, and across agencies, and More flexible services focused on the needs and priorities of service users and carers
Kent Whole System Demonstrator DH Demonstrator sites: Kent, Cornwall, Newham Driven by urgent need to demonstrate benefits: High satisfaction levels for patients, users and carers / families Efficiencies across the health and social care system Improved clinical and social care outcomes Improved integration across the system Telecare / Telehealth enabling more integrated support for people with long term conditions and social care needs Integrated care plans, care pathways and IT systems Robust evaluation arrangements being put in place to establish true impact of Telecare / Telehealth
Telecare: The Next 10 Months Implementation of Whole System Demonstrator - TC and TH Development of wider Adult Services strategies on Self- Directed Support and modernisation of care management services Development of final specification followed by market testing exercise (for Telecare support services) Procurement and County rollout of Telecare June 2008 as mainstream service option
Telecare Technology Vision – Connecting for Health Older people living independently WWW Home Hub Appliance Glucose Meter Pedometer Blood- pressure Cuff Cholesterol Monitor Medication Tracking Single Assessment Protocol Database, Housing Record, Social Care Record Home Automation Security Wireless Network Lights Doors windows Motion / Activity Bed Drawers Kitchen Bathroom Sensor networks Care Professionals Family, friends and volunteers NHS Care Record NHS Direct Telecarer Care Response Service, Warden etc Emergency Services e.g. Text alerts
The Future Increasingly sophisticated, interoperable technology Not a replacement for human contact Dissemination of learning from WSD The vision - A future in which: The public benefits privately from this expanding market - on the high street Wherever you live in Kent, you have equal access to quality telecare services Services are designed around users’ needs, not providers’ convenience
Contacts Contacts: Clare Skidmore Telecare Project Manager Hazel Price TeleHealth Project Manager