EPIC MOS Life Test Facility The centre of the central CCD in the MOS cameras is showing damage – Andy Read et al. This damage causes low energy redistribution changes Enhanced dark current at raised temperatures has been seen in CCDs illuminated with a focussed beam at the Panter facility (EPIC EOBB and Swift XRT) Have so far not been able to detect the low energy redistribution in these devices Need to replicate conditions in orbit – possibly by keeping device cold over an extended period Need to focus X-rays onto one spot for months at a time and regularly calibrate on and off spot We are producing at Leicester a dedicated facility based on an existing test facility with X-ray source and focussing with a micro-channel plate optic A vacuum bellows arrangement allows accurate focussing The optic can be remotely moved out of the beam for flat field calibration
X-Ray Beam Test of MCP
Cut through PSF
Facility pictures
Camera and Electronics