Midterm Examination PS 314
Essay Format Due date: Feb. 28 th, by the beginning of class Due date: Feb. 28 th, by the beginning of class No electronic submissions, please No electronic submissions, please Length: Five to eight pages, approximately Length: Five to eight pages, approximately Source materials: class readings, class lectures and discussions – no additional research required Source materials: class readings, class lectures and discussions – no additional research required Approximate grading scheme: Approximate grading scheme: Degree to which the essay critically addresses the question (25%)Degree to which the essay critically addresses the question (25%) Appropriate use of readings (including reading forms) (25%)Appropriate use of readings (including reading forms) (25%) Essay structure (logical consistency, appropriate use of facts, critical thinking, etc.) (25%)Essay structure (logical consistency, appropriate use of facts, critical thinking, etc.) (25%) Presentation and style (grammar, spelling, syntax, bibliographic references/citations, etc.) (25%)Presentation and style (grammar, spelling, syntax, bibliographic references/citations, etc.) (25%) Additional requirements: Additional requirements: Reading forms attachedReading forms attached Academic honesty statement: “I understand what constitutes academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, and I have not done it”Academic honesty statement: “I understand what constitutes academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, and I have not done it”
Sample Question “What explains the shape that sovereignty took in the modern world. Looking at arguments advanced by both the globalist and the globaloney schools, how do you think that sovereignty has changed in the late 20 th century. Which side in the great globalization debate, if any, would you suscribe to?”
Final Considerations and Advice Get going on the essay early Get going on the essay early If you are having problems, seek help from either Nirmal or myself (but remember, we may have less time if you leave it to the last minute) If you are having problems, seek help from either Nirmal or myself (but remember, we may have less time if you leave it to the last minute) Allow yourself the time to re-read your essay, revise it, and proof-read it thoroughly Allow yourself the time to re-read your essay, revise it, and proof-read it thoroughly Remember: this essay, for Nirmal and myself, reflects your ‘academic persona’ – who you are in terms of your work ethic, intellectual capabilities, and commitment Remember: this essay, for Nirmal and myself, reflects your ‘academic persona’ – who you are in terms of your work ethic, intellectual capabilities, and commitment Do not hand in any piece of work that you do not feel proud of Do not hand in any piece of work that you do not feel proud of
Measuring Globalization The intellectual question: what does it mean for a country to be globalized? The intellectual question: what does it mean for a country to be globalized? How would we measure that? How would we measure that?
FP/AT Kearney Index Composed of four main indicators: Composed of four main indicators: Economic integrationEconomic integration Technological connectivityTechnological connectivity Personal contactPersonal contact Political engagementPolitical engagement
Economic Integration Trade (imports and exports as a percentage of GDP) Trade (imports and exports as a percentage of GDP) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Technological Connectivity Internet users Internet users Internet hosts Internet hosts Number of secure servers Number of secure servers
Personal Contacts Travel Travel International telephone traffic International telephone traffic Cross-border economic transfers (including remittances) Cross-border economic transfers (including remittances)
Political Engagement International organizations International organizations UN peacekeeping UN peacekeeping Number of international treaties Number of international treaties Government transfers to other countries Government transfers to other countries
The results 10. Finland 9. Austria 8. Sweden 7. Denmark 6. Canada 5. Netherlands 4. United States 3. Switzerland 2. Ireland 1. Singapore