DFD Using a Case Tool: Visible Analysts Yong Choi BPA CSUB
CASE Systems: Tools used as instruments to make modeling methods, techniques, and procedures operational.
Advantages of Using CASE Tools during the Analysis Phase: More comprehensive and integrated recording of investigation results. Uniform recording of analysis for all systems. Diagram display of analysis results in a form easily explained to users. Easy navigation through analysis specifications. Easily modified entries during the iterative actions of analysis.
CASE Tool Advantages (Cont) CASE tools check for compliance with specific rules for modeling methods, such as balanced I/O checks for DFD levels. CASE tools identify inconsistent entries for the same or similar items in the dictionary, such as a logical object defined differently on ERDs and DFDs. Facilities for better maintenance of analysis specifications.
CASE Tool Components: A&D workbench software to create diagrams to illustrate analysis findings. Dictionary software to enter detailed descriptions for analysis diagram elements.
CASE Dictionary Descriptions: Preformatted screen data entry and reporting specifications. More elaborate narrative explanations of analysis results. Reductions in redundancy of analysis specifications. Better integrated analysis specifications. A central repository for analysis documentation. More easily maintained documentation.
CASE Tools and JADS: During JADs, analysts use CASE tools and visual aid technologies, such as overhead projector LCD panels, to provide a better way to quickly create DFDs and obtain user feedback regarding the process model.
Use of DFDs in JADS: Create DFDs as users speak. Review and verify DFDs created during pre-workshop activities or between JAD workshops. Make real-time changes made to DFDs as uses speak.
Visible Analyst CASE tool Demonstration