Byzantine Art Dates and Places: 4th century to 1453 CE Eastern Christian Roman Empire Eastern Mediterranean, capital Constantinople People: Emperor head of church Period of iconoclasm San Vitale, 526–547. Fig. 4-15.
Byzantine Art Themes: Icons of Christ, Virgin Mary, and Saints Forms: Static, timeless Gold backgrounds Conventionalized figures Centrally planned churches, domes Theodora and attendants, mosaic, San Vitale, ca. 547. Fig. 4-19.
Byzantine Art ANTHEMIUS OF TRALLES and ISIDORUS OF MILETUS, Hagia Sophia, 532–537. Fig. 4-11.
Byzantine Art ANTHEMIUS OF TRALLES and ISIDORUS OF MILETUS, interior, Hagia Sophia, 532–537. Fig. 4-13.
Byzantine Art Example: Central plan with nave Dome over crossing, influence of Pantheon Pendentives and semidomes support Mystical light Plain exterior, lavish interior Separation of sexes ANTHEMIUS OF TRALLES and ISIDORUS OF MILETUS, Hagia Sophia, 532–537. Fig. 4-11.
Byzantine Art Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants mosaic, San Vitale, ca. 547. Fig. 4-15.
Byzantine Art Example: Byzantine church on Italian peninsula Centrally-planned church Mosaics of emperor and empress Christ and Justinian, imperial iconography Stylized, timeless, weightless, frontal figures Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants mosaic, San Vitale, ca. 547. Fig. 4-15.
Byzantine Art Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George, icon, sixth or early seventh century. Fig. 4-20.
Byzantine Art Example: Byzantine Icon Encaustic and gold on wood Active art: transmit prayers, work miracles Conventionalized figures, timeless, static Iconoclasts destroy icons in 8th century Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George, icon, sixth or early seventh century. Fig. 4-20.
Byzantine Art Christ as Pantokrator, mosaic, Church of the Dormition, ca. 1090–1100. Fig. 4-21.
Byzantine Art Example: Christ as Judge Mosaic in dome Connect viewer to Heaven through Christ Stylized forms, patterns of drapery, timeless gold background Christ as Pantokrator, mosaic, Church of the Dormition, ca. 1090–1100. Fig. 4-21.
Byzantine Art Interior, Saint Mark’s, begun 1063. Fig. 4-1.
Byzantine Art Example: Byzantine church in Venice Central plan, cruciform (Greek cross) Dome on pendentives over crossing Mosaic program Stories from life of Christ Non-illusionistic Interior, Saint Mark’s, begun 1063. Fig. 4-1.
Byzantine Art David composing the Psalms, ca. 950–970. Fig. 4-24.
Byzantine Art Example: Classical revival Illusionistic style Classical-looking figures David looks like Orpheus David composing the Psalms, ca. 950–970. Fig. 4-24.