UC Berkeley GBT Measurements of the Zeeman Effect in the Eridanus/Orion Region Tim Robishaw Carl Heiles
The Orion Molecular Cloud Complex Heiles 1997 Hat Creek 85 ft 9 years of Zeeman data Distance ~535 pc Bower, Sandstrom, Goldston in prep.
Starlight Polarization Orientations Breger 1976, Vrba et al. 1988
Starlight Polarization Orientations Breger 1976, Vrba et al. 1988
The GBT Is a Zeeman Machine! Off-Axis Design Minimizes Blockage Minimizes Sidelobes!!
The GBT Is a Zeeman Machine!
Verschuur’s Indictment 1993 BAAS BAAS ApJ 451: ApJ 451: 645
Verschuur’s Indictment
3 hours
The GBT Hat Creek 85 foot 3 hours
Summary The GBT can be used as a Zeeman detector Apparent HI self-absorption samples the molecular component of the filament LOS B field measured in emission changes sign across axis of filament –Detections consistent with previous HI emission measurements: they were reliable! Field reverses within central half-degree of filament (~ 4.5 pc) Highest resolution data for modeling of helical magnetic field structure