Urbanization and Immigration zRise of the Cities zCity Problems zThe Golden Age of Immigration zThe Government Reaction zFemale Immigrants zNativism
Elisha Otis
San Francisco Streetcar
NYC Subway being built
Brooklyn Bridge-1883
Problems of Industrialization
Tenement House
Slum Housing
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe zProtestant
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe zProtestant zEnglish or other Germanic languages
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe zProtestant zEnglish or other Germanic languages zFair-skinned
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe zProtestant zEnglish or other Germanic languages zFair-skinned zGenerally well-educated
The Old Immigrants zNorthern and Western Europe zProtestant zEnglish or other Germanic languages zFair-skinned zGenerally well-educated zFinancially stable
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia zRoman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia zRoman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish z“Foreign” languages
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia zRoman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish z“Foreign” languages zDark-complected
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia zRoman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish z“Foreign” languages zDark-complected zGenerally illiterate
The “New” Immigrants zEastern and Southern Europe and Asia zRoman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish z“Foreign” languages zDark-complected zGenerally illiterate zFinancially destitute
Who wanted the new immigrants?
Who wanted the new immigrants? zIndustrialists zRailroads
Who wanted the new immigrants? zIndustrialists zRailroads zStates
Who wanted the new immigrants? zIndustrialists zRailroads zStates zSteamship lines
zAmerican Protective Association (1887)
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions z -banned poor; criminals; convicts
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions z -banned poor; criminals; convicts zLater added other “undesirables” to list
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions z -banned poor; criminals; convicts zLater added other “undesirables” to list z1882-Chinese Exclusionary Act
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions z -banned poor; criminals; convicts zLater added other “undesirables” to list z1882-Chinese Exclusionary Act z1921-Emergency Quota Act
Nativism zAmerican Protective Association (1887) zOrganized Labor z1882-First Immigration Restrictions z -banned poor; criminals; convicts zLater added other “undesirables” to list z1882-Chinese Exclusionary Act z1921-Emergency Quota Act z1924- Immigration Act of 1924