Lessons from Apollos Mighty in the Scriptures –N–Nimrod, a mighty hunter (Gen. 10:9) –T–Tiger Woods, a mighty golfer –J–Jimmie Johnson, a mighty driver –P–Peyton Manning, a mighty quarterback What are you mighty in? –S–Shopping? Playing Sports? Song Lyrics? Hunting? Movie Lines? Are YOU mighty in the Scriptures?
Mighty in the Scriptures –G–God lamented: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6 –M–Members of the Lord’s church used to be known for their ability to quote book, chapter, and verse. –N–Now, many struggle with even knowing where to find the Books.
Mighty in the Scriptures –This did not happen by accident. –Will not become characteristic of us by accident. Psalm 1:2-3 Matt. 4:4; 5:6 2 Timothy 3: Timothy 2:15 Hebrews 5:11-14
Lessons from Apollos Fervent in Spirit –W–What does it mean to be “fervent”? very hot; glowing; to boil exhibiting or marked by great intensity; zealous (Merriam-Webster) –R–Romans 12:11 “in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord”
Fervent in Spirit –M–Many are fervent in spirit towards… Playing Video Games, Playing Sports Going Shopping Their favorite TV Shows Following their favorite Sports Team Their favorite Hobby –B–But are we “fervent in spirit” when it comes to our service to God?
Fervent in Spirit –I–If every Christian was “fervent in spirit” what would be the results? None would be lazy in spiritual service Every song service would be spirited Give undivided attention during the teaching and preaching of God’s Word All members involved in local work Help others – Teach others
Spoke with Boldness –T–Teaching the gospel requires boldness Acts 4:29-31 Ephesians 6:18-20 Philippians 1:14 I Thessalonians 2:2
Spoke with Boldness –W–What does the fear of man cause? Proverbs 29:25 Acts 18:9-10 –“–“Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you.” 2 Timothy 1:7-8
Taught the Word of God Accurately –G–Galatians 1:8-9; Rev. 22:18-19 –I–I Peter 4:11 –I–I Timothy 1:3 –2–2 Timothy 2:15 (NASB) –J–John 8:31-32; I Timothy 4:16 Do we teach God’s Word accurately?
Taught the Word of God Accurately –B–Beware of False Teachers Matthew 7:15; I John 4:1 Colossians 2:8 I Timothy 4:1-3 2 Timothy 2:16-18; 4:3-4 –D–Do we teach God’s Word inaccurately?
Humble in Receiving Correction –“–“he knew only the baptism of John” Preached a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Lk. 3:3). Not inclusive of Jesus’ redeeming blood, burial, and resurrection. Not inclusive of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). Such teaching would not save.
Humble in Receiving Correction –King Saul was not… I Samuel 15:14-15, –King David was… 2 Samuel 11; 12:13; Psalm 51 –What about you and me? Prov. 10:17; 12:1; 13:18; Luke 17:3 2 Tim. 3:16; 4:2; I John 1:8-10
Lessons from Apollos Debated Those in Error –D–Doing so “greatly helped those who had believed through grace” –T–This godly man did not shy away from religious controversy. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Ephesians 5:11; 6:12-18 I Timothy 6:12
Debated Those in Error –“–“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Mighty in the Scriptures Fervent in Spirit Spoke with Boldness
Lessons from Apollos Taught the Word of God Accurately Humble in Receiving Correction Debated Those in Error