Topics electronic version of professional biography posted: schedule: upcoming due dates teams: currently 2 people unassigned –Olatunde Adejumobi: genetic algorithms with Prof C. Purdy –Jonah Horowitz: environmentally reactive LEDs; geodesic domes 19 teams; only 5 project descriptions completed
Revised Schedule
Team Contract Contents submit hardcopy signed by all team members Friday 10/15 keep a copy in team notebook individual responsibilities or expectations –what should each person do for the team? –what should each person do to ensure that the team succeeds? team responsibilities or expectations –what does the team do to ensure that it functions well? –what does the team do for each individual member? penalties for infractions –escalating? incident specific? –should be realistic and enforceable by team at least 5 items per area above
Next Week project description due Monday 10/18 for all teams returned in class Wednesday 10/20; self-assessment due one paragraph each about how your curriculum co-op experience has prepared you to undertake your senior design project –be specific! –6 sentence minimum per paragraph electronic proj desc (html template) due Friday 10/22
The Week after That Monday 10/25: design diagrams level 0 and 1 Wednesday 10/27: start oral reports 1.Bair, Doshi, Melchers, Nemeth, Setter 2.Martini, Springs 3.Fajardo, Hemani, Lipps 4.Gaudio, Hathaway, Kesler 5.Ganapathy
Design Diagrams Design 0: highest level view of your project Design 1: elaborate modules or subsystems given in Design 0 Design 2: further elaborate Design 1
Design Diagram 0
Design Diagram 1
Design Diagram 2 (one of 4 pages)