Conservation Challenges “Habitat” Effects –Land cover change Urbanization Agriculture –Land use Natural resources –Forestry –Fishing –Energy Recreation Communication –Cell towers “Habitat”-Independent Effects –Stewarding, Reserving, and Restoring Habitat are necessary, but NOT SUFFICIENT Exotic Species Disease Overharvest Climate Change Pollution
Conservation Challenges “Habitat” Effects –Land cover change Urbanization Agriculture –Land use Natural resources –Forestry –Fishing –Energy Recreation Communication –Cell towers “Habitat”-Independent Effects –Stewarding, Reserving, and Restoring Habitat are necessary, but NOT SUFFICIENT Exotic Species Disease Overharvest Climate Change Pollution √ √ √ √ √ √
Agriculture Global changes: (Meyer and Turner 1992) –Cropland % –Irrigated Cropland +2400% –Closed Forest -15.1% –Forest and woodland -14.9% –Grassland/pasture-1% –Lands drained1.6 x 10 6 km 2 –Urban settlement2.5 x 10 6 km 2 –Rural settlement2.1 x 10 6 km 2 (Lambin et al. 2001)
An Example From Czech Republic All Species Farmland Specialists Generalists Bird Declines continued despite reduction in Agricultural Intensity after fall of communism (Reif et al. 2008) Continued decline could be due to: 1. Factors other than Ag 2. Lag effect 3. Cumulative effect of loss of farm area 4. Abandonment of farms
Improving Agriculture for Birds Intensification generally reduces bird diversity Set asides help (CRP lands, field borders, no till) Herkert 2009
Fishing and Seabirds Eiders and cockles We hypothesize that the population of common eiders collapsed as a result of a combination of factors: heavy fishing pressure on high density cockle banks and rather low stocks in mussel cultures over the past 10 years (Camphuysen et al. 2002)
Spotted Owl Declines in Washington (Forsman et al. unpublished)
Exotic Species (Livezey 2009)
Disease Example from California (Wheeler et al. 2009)
Cold Water
Local Effects on Goshawk Prey (Bloxton et al.)
When prey decline, hawks have to move more
Lack of prey and increased movement lead to lower reproduction and survivorship
Population Changes Become Community Changes Outcomes are set by the interaction between intrinsic density dependence and extrinsic density independent processes like climate (Stenseth et al. 2002)
Climate Change European Migrants 1970 – 1990: big birds and those not in ag areas had best population trends 1990 – 2000: change in migration date most important, habitat specialization also associated with declining populations (Møller et al. 2008)
Adapt or Go Extinct
What to Do? Birds are smart Birds are mobile Birds can evolve rapidly But when population size is greatly reduced, extinction happens Keep population size (effective population size) large, so innovation and adaptation can continue to occur
Conservation Manifesto Active Management to Reduce Limiting Factors Reservation Restoration Reconciliation Sustainable Concern –Engage people to adopt a land ethic generally and bird ethic specifically Conservation is getting nowhere because it is incompatible with our Abrahamic concept of land. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics. (Leopold 1948)
A Bird Friendly Morality 1.Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s lawn. 2.Thou shall not allow thy cat to roam. 3.Thou shall make thy windows visible. 4.Thou shall not light the night sky. 5.Thou shall provide food and nest boxes. 6.Thou shall not kill native predators. 7.Thou shall abhor uniformity. 8.Thou shall provide safe passage across thy roadways. 9.Thou shall provide functional connections between terrestrial and aquatic worlds. 10.Thou shall nurture the human bond with nearby nature.
References Camphuysen, C. J., et al Mass mortality of common eiders in the Dutch Wadden Sea, winter 1999/2000: starvation in a commercially exploited wetland of international importance. Biological Conservation 106: Herkert, J. R Response of bird populations to farmland set- aside programs. Conservation Biology 23: Livezey, K. B. 2009a. Range expansion of barred owls, part I: Chronology and distribution. Am. Midl. Nat 161: Livezey, K. B. 2009b. Range expansion of barred owls, Part II: Facilitating ecological changes. Am. Midl. Nat. 161: Reif, J. et al Agricultural intensification and farmland birds: new insights from a central European country. Ibis 150: Wheeler, S. S. et al Differential impact of West Nile virus on California birds. The Condor 111:1-20.