Neutrino detectors for the future Neutrino Facility global numbers : next project ~ 600 M€ (NB NOvA, T2K = 200M$, OPERA=100MCHF, etc...) community between 500 and 1000 people divided among many projects/technologies R&D is largely performed in the context of e.g. OPERA, ICARUS, MICE, T2K, decision between possibilities (Betabeam/superbeam/neutrino factory) requested in 2012 by SG document timing is perfect.
Electronics/DAQ number of channels kton MIND between 1.5 and 4 million channels SiPM or MPPC readout (?) open continuously (cosmics and rare events from astro) ==> need a self trigger magnetic field Similar number of channel count for Liquid argon. R&D in the context of MINOS, NOvA, MICE (synergies with CALICE) major questions -- charge reconstruction of low-E muons in Iron (from 800 MeV/c to several GeV) -- reconstruction of middle energy electrons in TASD/Liquid argon and magnetic field (up to 10 GeV) -- confusion of low energy pions with muons in Liquid Argon, scintillator, water (low energy NF, beta-beam) -- confusion between low energy muons and electrons in Water Cherenkov and Larg (superbeam). to be answered in test beam and integrated in simulations many questions remain about low energy particles (< 1 GeV/c to stopping) and their simulation in GEANT4
Prototype and combined test beam: channel count in test beam detector is about 5000 for each element. Cost is around 1M€ incl SiPM today. ibid for Larg. DAQ system is about 120 k€ test beam setup: Low energy beam (from 500 MeV/c up to 10 GeV) LARG/TASD or Emulsion stack in magnetic field + magnetized iron muon catcher and MIND prototype Low energy beam also very useful for Water Cherenkov
workplan: 1. establish the needs in terms of electronics and DAQ. Determine choice ASIC, FPGA and or DSP 2. build prototype detector with DAQ and electronics development of ASIC (1.5 year) development DAQ in parallel construction in parallel test beam (1.5 year) total 4 years --> simulation of combined test beam 4. integration of combined test beam 5. total pesonnel needed 1 electronics engineer 1 mechanical engineer 1 techician 1 DAQ engineer 10 postdocs + students
present effort includes (not exhaustive) Bern, Geneva, ETHZ; Bari, Trieste, Milano, Padova, (INFN), Glasgow, Sheffield, Imperial College, Warwick, Liverpool, (STFC) Valencia (SPain) Sofia (Bulgaria) Glacier collaboration (inlcudes france, CH, poland, UK, spain) for liquid argon and totals up quite a bit more than the requested amount obviously. R&D is already going on in the framework of MICE (CERN RE11) and T2K (CERN RE13) experiments
estimated budget in envelope of 2M€ personnel: 4 postdocs, 1 engineer = 1200 k€ (1 in electronics, 1 in simulations, 3 in test beam) hardware investment: 800 k€ including -- test beam equipment: infrastructure, DAQ and all purpose electronics (will be used in many configurations thus should be considered infrastructure) -- about 200k€ for detector infrastructural (variable iron dispositions, supporting structures in magnet etc..) -- investments for low energy test beam (not determined yet) and its instrumentation. + NA travel etc k€
presentation of program to community foreseen on 4 december Announcement A FP7 bid -- neutrino detector R&D NEUDET 4 december :30-17:30 EVO connection will be available preliminary agenda Framework: detector R&D for particle physics (TBA) 2. NEUDET in this framework (A. Blondel) 3. main questions for neutrino detector R&D (P. Soler) 4. test beam issues (E. Radicioni) 5. electronics for neutrino detectors (1) (A. Weber) 6. electronics for neutrino detectors (2) 7. software for test beam and neutrino detectors (M. Ellis) 8. Networking (A Cervera) 9. discussion