REES: Reasoning Engines Evaluation Shell version 3.0 Automated Reasoning Lab University of California, Irvine
Credits Team Members Radu Marinescu Kalev Kask (PI) Rina Dechter (PI) Kyle Bollen Plugins by Kalev Kask Radu Marinescu Dan Frost
Introduction Knowledge Representation Framework (Graphical Models) Constraint Networks (CSP) Constraint Optimization (COP) Belief Networks (BN) Queries CSP, Max-CSP Belief Updating (BEL) Most Probable Scenario (MPE, MAP) Within this framework a reasoning engine represents a collection of algorithms that implements a specific query type.
Motivation Software environment to support research and development in the area of automated reasoning. Plug-in architecture: Rapid integration of different libraries of reasoning algorithms (plug-ins). Common workbench that promotes joint evaluation and comparison of alternative technologies.
Architecture - Overview REES* INTERFACE … Plugin 1 Plugins = C/C++ implementations of reasoning algorithms * Microsoft Windows implementation
REES Suite 3.0
REES 3.0 System Features User friendly interface REES Assistants (wizards) Model setup Parametric (configure internal generators) Complete (use the network editor) Task setup Choose/configure processing algorithms REES Network Editor Bayesian networks Constraint networks Flexible Plug-in Architecture Multiple plugins sharing the same interface and data
REES Network Editor Belief Networks Graph structure toolbox Node/CPT properties editor Constraint Networks Graph structure toolbox Node/Constraint properties editor
REES Assistants (Wizards) Model Setup Wizard Assists the configuration of a random problem generator Graphical structure Functional structure Task Setup Wizard Assists the configuration of an experiment: List of algorithms Input/Output params
Task Execution and Results Task Execution REES maintains a detailed log of the execution. Multithreaded execution allows immediate interruption. Task Results Spreadsheet-like visualization of results (each column represents an output parameter). Simple and intuitive comparison between algorithms.
Summary Plug-in architecture allows multiple reasoning engines to share the same interface and data. Joint algorithmic evaluation and comparison now possible with REES Suite 3.0 Public release is available at: