A campaign to inspire and guide future generations of pilots.
The Let’s Go Flying! campaign On November 7, 2008, AOPA officially announced its Let’s Go Flying! campaign. Let’s Go Flying! is an initiative that promotes all facets of aviation to the general public and provides resources for learning to fly. New Web site: LetsGoFlying.comMedia outreachViral marketing & social networking marketing campaigns & monthly enewsletterSearch engine marketingAffiliate recruitment
LetsGoFlying.com LetsGoFlying.com was soft- launched on July 1, Since then, the site has received over 125,000 unique visitors. Currently, the site receives approximately 1,000 new visitors per day. The Let’s Go Flying DVD, an inspirational video about learning to fly, has been sent to nearly 11,000 individuals. Visitors to date: 125,677Average daily visitors: 1,000Current subscribers: 11,534Average time spent on site: 7: 37DVDs ordered to date: 11,366
LetsGoFlying.com Visitors to LetsGoFlying.com experience a wealth of aviation information and resources. Information on all facets of aviation Find a flight school search newsletter Interactive range map Blogs & forums Chat with a pilot Aviation news page Photo & video gallery Pilot certificate cost comparison chart Aviation calendar of events
Let’s Go Flying! Trusted Partners Trusted partners are entities outside of AOPA that support general aviation and want to take part in the mutually beneficial sharing of website content and online resources with LetsGoFlying.com. Our trusted partners can take advantage of increased traffic to their own websites while contributing to the shared goal of increasing the pilot population. Let’s Go Flying Web site Trusted partner Web sites
What’s next for LetsGoFlying.com? Through its continually evolving content, strategic marketing campaigns and trusted partner network, LetsGoFlying.com will position itself as the premier online destination for learning to fly. We will strive to reach out to those who have dreamed of flying, but also to redefine what it means to be a “pilot.”
The future depends on a new generation of pilots. Attracting those pilots depends on us.