PH 301 Dr. Cecilia Vogel
Recall square well The stationary states of infinite square well: sinusoidal wavefunction wavefunction crosses axis n times for nth excited state GS is even, nth excited state is even for even n, odd for odd n energy levels get further an further apart as you go up in energy level
Double Well Now imagine a double-well For low energy levels, the central barrier is CF The wavefunction will be sinusoidal on either side, but combo of exponentials in the barrier Wavefunction will cross axis n times for nth excited state GS is even, nth excited state is even for even n, odd for odd n
Double Well Ground state Even never crosses axis sinusoidal on both sides (2 nd deriv opposite ) exp in barrier (2 nd deriv same sign as ) wavefunction looks a little like two square well gs wavefunctions side-by-side, with a little dip in the barrier region
Double Well 1 st excited state odd crosses axis once sinusoidal on both sides (2 nd deriv opposite ) exp in barrier (2 nd deriv same sign as ) wavefunction looks a little like two square well gs wavefunctions with one of them flipped, so it crosses in the barrier region
Double Well gs and 1 st excited state both wavefunction looks a little like two square well gs wavefunctions on both sides they look a lot alike they have very similar curvature, very similar wavenumber, very similar energy This is also true of the 2 nd and 3 rd excited states which both look a lot like two square well 1 st es wavefunctions on both sides and so on
Double Well Energy levels The energy levels of the double-well come in pairs. gs and 1 st es close in energy, then a gap, the 2 nd es and 3 rd es close in energy, another gap, 4 th es and 5 th es close… Double well has pairs of energy levels separated by gaps triple well has trios of energy levels separated by gaps and so on
Band Structure Electrons in crystal see many, many wells one for each atomic nucleus in the crystal that the e is attracted to many-well has many closely-spaced energy levels separated by gaps closely-spaced levels = “bands” gaps = “band gaps” Conduction band = band of energy levels that overlaps with unbound states.