August 22, 2011 High School School Board Report By Brian Korf, Principal & Brad Strand, Intern Principal
Closed Campus Every student is scheduled to be in an assigned area during the school day Students are not allowed to leave the building during or between classes If a student is not in their assigned area then parental permission must be on record in the Administration Office
Noon Hour Students will have 3 food choices to choose from the lunch menu There will be 2 lunch lines to accommodate the additional students in the lunch room Senior high students (10-12) will have designated areas inside the building Leaving campus will result in disciplinary action
Reasons for Closed Noon Safety Students are supervised Health Students will have a balanced nutricious meal with 3 choices provided by the cafeteria staff Attendance Less students missing instruction during 5 th hour
Area Schools 7 th & 8 th grade are completely closed for all 14 schools (13 of the 14 have closed lunch for 7 th – 9 th ) 7 schools are completely closed for 7 th – 12 th grade 2 schools allow the students to walk but no driving (one principal whose school currently has open lunch commented that he would like to see a change to closed completely) Surveyed 14 area schools
Summary SAFETY!! HEALTH!! EDUCATION: Closing the Achievement Gap Questions??
Power Hour
Implementing RTI Model Identify struggling students early Provide instructional interventions Increase the likelihood of student success Close the achievement gap Resolve behavioral problems
Pelican Rapids High School Pyramid of Intervention TIER 3 5% of Students TIER 2 15% of Students TIER 1 80% of students in school who typically respond to a good core curriculum Credit Recovery Guided Study (SH) WE/CEP Parent Intervention Meeting S.A.T. Tracking Academic Coaching (PH) Counselor/Principal Time Homework Detention Power Hour Grade Checks Teacher Classroom Hours Intensive Level Strategic Level Benchmark Level
POWER HOUR Reasons….. 1) Tiered Interventions (extend to 7 – 12) Opportunities for academic support & enrichment 2) Provide time for students to receive additional educational support such as tutoring & lessons. 3) Opportunity to complete missed labs, tests, & quizzes. 4) Additional time during the day to complete homework 5) Meeting time for various organizations 6) Pep Fests 7) Building connections/relationships Decrease time of missed instruction time (activities) early release time etc (sports)
August 22 nd, 2011 Principal/AD Report By Brian Korf, Principal & Brad Strand, Intern Principal
High School News Individual Student Scheduling Staff Workshop Schedule – August 29 th – September 1 K-12 Staff 6:00pm Monday, August 29 Peterson Park 7 th Grade Orientation & New Student Orientation on Wednesday, August 31 6:00pm Student Kick-Off Day on Thursday, September 1 st 1:00-4:00
iPads for Juniors/Seniors All Juniors and Seniors will receive an iPad Teachers completed Staff Development in the Spring & Summer Moodle Google Docs Apps Google Calendar Discussion Boards
iPad Timeline Students will receive training the 1 st day of school with Monica Thompson & Bill Simmons Parents will receive general information regarding iPad useage Students must turn in parent permission form and $50 user fee before receiving iPad
AD Information Three Sport athlete recognition Emergency Action Plan Fall sports have started (August 15 th ) Volleyball game Tuesday, Aug 30 th vs Park Christian (Home) Football game Friday, Sept. 1 Perham Moorhead Tuesday, Aug 29 th Boys Soccer vs Bemidji, Saturday, August 27 th Girls Soccer vs Fergus Falls, Thursday, August 25 th