Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. 12% of population uses 85% of water WATER WARS
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed.
Price Mechanisms Charging a higher proportion of real costs to users of public water projects has helped encourage conservation. Yet discriminates against poor.
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Global water Industry Over $140 Billion a year The World Water and Wastewater Utilities Market is estimated at $142 billion US in 2000… (2000, $US)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Water multinationals (French & British)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Public/private water in EU countries (French & British mainly private)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Public and private prices in France (Private more expensive)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. “Water War” in Bolivia Cochabamba residents protesting Bechtel privatization of municipal water system, 1999
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Alternative: Debrecen, Hungary Preferred public to private Cheaper Financial comparison
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Safety of municipal water supplies Wisconsin, 1993 Australia, 1998 (privatized system) Ontario, 2000 (gov’t had dropped e-coli testing)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Bottled water costs more than oil
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Bottled water quality in question
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Bottled water growth
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. WaterPrivatization Woodstock Riot 1999 Fewer bubblers in public buildings?
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Perrier/Nestle in the U.S. TexasFlorida
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Perrier/Nestle in the Midwest WisconsinMichigan Mecan Springs (Waushara Co.) ; Big Spring (Adams Co.), Protection of rural supplies from high- capacity wells
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed.
‘New Geography of Conflict’ “Possible flashpoint for resource conflict” Water systems & aquifers Jordan Nile Tigris – Euphrates Amu Darya Indus Mountain Aquifer (West Bank/Israel)”
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Middle East Water Conflicts
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Israeli- Palestinian Water Conflict Israel uses 82% Of West Bank groundwater; charges Arabs 3x
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Israel’s boundary with Egypt and Gaza (Palestine)
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Dead Sea Shrinkage
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Tigris and Euphrates rivers Turkey Iraq
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. International cooperation on water use
Cunningham - Cunningham - Saigo: Environmental Science 7 th Ed. Websites Water resources Privatization of water Bottled water Water Wars (books)