CSE3030Lecture 11 Know Your User The First Slogan
CSE3030Lecture 12 We have a product: VS.Net, so, Who is the user it was designed for? That is, we can go backwards –From system to the users it was designed for When we are designing a system, of course, we have to go the other way. The first sin is to design the system for yourself –Which is what happens far too often. –Cooper calls this: “The inmates running the asylum” –(Cooper invented VB) (And wrote the textbook)
CSE3030Lecture 13 But First, How Does CSE3030 Work? In the tutorials and the project –You learn the practical details of a language, and an IDE In the textbook –You learn the practical details of interface and interaction development. The text is written by practitioners for practitioners, not by academics for students. In the lectures –You learn a lot about cognitive and physiological issues which most GUI subjects acknowledge and then ignore (see Lecture 0) –You learn about the wider issues of programming language, IDE and computing environment evolution in the context of Microsoft’s.NET Each of these is as important as the other two –(Which makes the textbook of unusual (for Monash) importance)
CSE3030Lecture 14 Microsoft says Visual Studio.NET is… The complete set of tools for developing enterprise solutions “Visual Studio.NET is the comprehensive tool set for rapidly building and integrating XML Web services, Microsoft Windows®–based applications, and Web solutions. Today, the world takes a little step into the future.”.NET Home Page This is worth reading very carefully! It does not describe VB 6!
CSE3030Lecture 15 Source code Managed code Assembly IL code VB C# C++ Unmanaged component Common Language Runtime JIT compiler Operating system services Native code CompilerCompilerCompilerCompilerCompilerCompiler Unmanaged = “Bad”
CSE3030Lecture 16.NET Framework Overview Note: “Runtime” here is the CLR (Common Language Runtime) Unmanaged = “Bad”
CSE3030Lecture 17 The.NET Developer is NOT Developing applications which are –stand-alone –running on a local machine –built by an individual or small, cooperating team –built in a single programming language –running in a single operating environment (e.g., Windows)
CSE3030Lecture 18 How Microsoft Takes over the Universe a digression Wait for another company to do something good Build and release a bad clone Leverage size and financial strength until –Release 3 or so does in the competition –(If this fails, buy the competition, e.g., Visio) –But always leave the competition with 10% of the market to keep the anti-monopoly people away!)
CSE3030Lecture 19.NET is Microsoft’s Response to J2EE (Java’s Enterprise Edition), which –Runs serverside on many platforms –Permits an app to be built from components which remain in many different locations –Protects apps from each other –Supports highly segmented development projects –Assumes that “The Web Is All” (And goodbye to traditional stand-alone applications like we have been building for decades.)
CSE3030Lecture 110 Who is VB.NET’s User? Not you today… But probably you down the track. Does this have an effect on the IDE (integrated development environment) –You bet your sweet patootie (don’t ask!)
CSE3030Lecture 111 The Development Environment Distributed, multi-tiered –Class libraries (Many, scattered) –Components (Many, scattered) –Databases (Many, scattered, incompatible) Object Oriented Data (base) Centric Web Based With XML-based ASCII files as the universal common language for backstage communication Element locations which are transparent to both users and developers.
CSE3030Lecture 112 VB.NET and VS.NET VS = Visual Studio –An IDE supporting multiple languages (projects) in same application (solution): VB C# C++ J++ (welllllll………..) ASP.NET (Web Forms, VB or C#) As well as other tasks –Database via ADO.NET and SQL Server, MSDS or ODBC –Deployment –Version control –Analysis and Design No traditional API, unmanaged code
CSE3030Lecture 113 VS.NET Extensible, compiling all languages into MIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) –The CLR (Common Language Runtime) then compiles MIL into machine code: Device Independence like Java. –The languages don’t have to be from Microsoft, e.g., Eiffel can compile projects into MIL (Confusion: the CLR is not code. It is a box/OS-specific program that compiles MIL into “real” code, using a JIT – just in time - compiler) Many other languages can be integrated into the.NET environment by compiling their code into MIL.
CSE3030Lecture 114 Editions of Visual Studio VS 2002 (never buy release 1 of anything from Microsoft!) VS 2003 (which we will be using in 3030) VS 2005 –Released 7 November, Not yet passed the Monash review process. –Major upgrade and restructuring
CSE3030Lecture 115 Versions of Visual Studio 2003 Standalone Development –Student –Professional Group Development –Enterprise Developer –Enterprise Architect (which you will use) One uses the Enterprise Architect edition to – develop templates which impose policies on developers –Supplement dynamic help with project/site specific extensions –Use many more integrated analysis and design tools –Version control
CSE3030Lecture 116 Versions of Visual Studio 2005 Standalone Development –Express (single languages, much simplified IDE, “for the hobbyist, novice, and student developer.” ) –Standard (single developer) Group Development –Professional –Team System (“Visual Studio 2005 Team System is a productive, integrated, and extensible suite of lifecycle tools that expands the Visual Studio product line to enable greater communication and collaboration among software development teams. With Visual Studio 2005 Team System, organizations can ensure greater predictability and quality early and often throughout the development process.” –(see