Geospatial Cyber Security Russ Holder Vice-President Complex Systems Engineering and Integration Intergraph Government Solutions
Geospatial Cyber Security Geo-Cyber Security Energy/Utilities/SmartGrid Force Protection/Emergency Management Geospatial Location Intelligence
Geo-Cyber Security Traditional virtual network maps vs. geo-enabled maps Physical locations of Cyber assets and sources of attack are important for the Common Operating Picture (COP) Offensive and defensive cyber analysis Risk assessments Cyber forensics
Geo-Cyber Security Incident Tracking
Energy Control Rooms, Control Systems, Communications, and Cyber Security (C4)
Energy/Utility/Smart Grid Geo-Cyber Issues SmartGrid and Control System assets are Geospatially distributed Smart Grid assets can be tracked/displayed on a map now; near-real time asset tracking on a map is TBR The “Smart Grid” is not “Cyber Smart” yet Open standards and modern communications technology are needed for increased interoperability Engineering Control systems are different than Corporate IT systems
Force Protection/Emergency Management and Geo-Cyber Security
Force Protection/Emergency Management and Geo-Cyber Issues Many of these systems are proprietary, web/data base applications with no Geospatial capability For those applications with Geospatial capability, many Geo-enabled features can be integrated: Location based services for fixed and mobile assets Near-real time Geo-position/status updates Mobile asset Geo-Cyber example
Geospatial Location Intelligence
Geospatial Information Interoperability Exploitation Portable (GIIEP) program Provide “Blue Force Tracking” like capability for air/ground/marine/space assets Geo-enabled collaboration capabilities such as white boarding, graphics dissemination, data distribution, chat, video and Common Operational Picture (COP) Cyber-certified (ATO and CON) application and supports PDA’s, SmartPhones and new technologies such as iPad & Android Pad.