Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #1 CS 106 Intro to CS 1 Monday, 9/23/02 QUESTIONS?? Today: Discuss Lab 3 Do Exercises Introduction to functions Reading: New files/handouts: Lab03 exercises, FunctionEx1.cpp, FunctionEx2.cpp
Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #2 Chapter 3: Simple Functions Modularity: More complex programs are built by putting previously written “program modules” together In C++ each “program module” is a function, with a name. Each C++ program must have at least one function, namely the function named main(). We can define more functions that can then be used (“called”) from main()
Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #3 Example 1: A Function for Lab03Exercise.cpp This file uses the following code five times: We can write a function named Continue() that does this code for us (see FunctionEx1.cpp): int num; cout << "Enter a number to continue: " << endl; cin >> num; //Continue() Makes user input number to continue program void Continue() { int num; cout << "Enter a number to continue: " << endl; cin >> num; }
Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #4 Basic Function Syntax The simplest kind of function is a void function with no parameters (empty parentheses after name). The syntax for function definition is: To use a void function we define in a program, we can 1. Put its definition above the main() function 2. Use the function name inside main() as a complete statement. void FunctionName() { //declarations and statements }
Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #5 Function parameters The function Continue() needed no information to do its job. Some functions must be supplied with data when called in order to work Example: Again from Lab 03, we could write a function that computes and prints a weighted average This function must be supplied with homework grade, exam grade, and participation grade In the line that calls the function these values are put inside the parentheses. The function copies and uses these values
Monday, 9/23/02, Slide #6 Example 2: A function to compute and print a weighted average See FunctionEx2.cpp: //PrintAverage() Computes and prints a weighted // average of homework, exam, and participation grades void PrintAverage(double hw, double ex, double pa) { double HwWeight = 0.50; double ExWeight = 0.35; double PaWeight = 0.15; double av = hw * HwWeight + ex *ExWeight + pa * PaWeight; cout << endl << "Student average = " << av << endl; }