Video Enhancement & RFID Ecosystem
Video Enhancement Most video cameras = low quality Most digital cameras = high quality The video enhancement: uses high quality shots to enhance low quality video
Video Enhancement One framework. Variety of enhancements: Transferring photographic qualities resolution
Video Enhancement One framework. Variety of enhancements: Transferring photographic qualities resolution exposure
Video Enhancement One framework. Variety of enhancements: Transferring photographic qualities resolution exposure dynamic range
Video Enhancement Camera Stabilization Before After
Video Enhancement Photo Editing
Video Enhancement Before
Video Enhancement After
RFID Ecosystem Research use of user-centered RFID system Determine usefulness of RFID deployment Investigate privacy issues Propose solutions for large-scale use of RFID systems
RFID Ecosystem – Example Project Event Detection & Logging PEEX (database) detects events If you ate lunch with a group Who attended a meeting Events logged in many ways, i.e. in a Google Calendar
RFID Ecosystem – Example Project RFIDDER Micro blogging site Tracks “events” and posts online Users specify who can view which events, etc. Also supports direct connection to twitter
RFID Ecosystem – Example Project Map Mash-Up Used with Google Earth Use to locate other RFID tags Lost car keys Friends who have given you permission to see them
Video Enhancement & RFID Ecosystem