Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Getting Oxygen From Air to Muscle Integration of Ventilation, Heart, and Circulation
Cardiorespiratory System Functions of cardiorespiratory system: transportation of O 2 and CO 2 transportation of nutrients/waste products distribution of hormones thermoregulation maintenance of blood pressure
Ability of cardiorespiratory system to maintain high arterial oxygen levels (PaO 2 ) during graded exercise to exhaustion
Critical elements of O 2 Transport Pathway Ventilation –Moving air in/out of lungs External respiration –Gas exchange between alveoli and blood Heart and circulation O 2 diffusion into mitochondria
Role of the Heart Moving O 2 from lungs to muscle
Oxygen Delivery Determines VO 2 (Fick Principle) VO 2 = Q (Ca O 2 – Cv O 2 ) VO 2 = [HR SV] (Ca O 2 – Cv O 2 ) VO 2 = [BP TPR] (Ca O 2 – Cv O 2 )
Cardiac Cycle systole diastole cardiac output (Q) = stroke volume (SV) heart rate (HR) examples – rest: SV = 75 ml; HR = 60 bpm; Q = 4.5 L min -1 –exercise: SV = 130 ml; HR = 180 bpm; Q = 23.4 L min -1
Cardiac output affected by: 1.preload – end diastolic pressure (amount of myocardial stretch) 2.afterload – resistance blood encounters as it leaves ventricles 3.contractility – strength of cardiac contraction 4.heart rate
Muscle pump and one-way valves assist venous return
Cardiac Output Regulation Extrinsic control autonomic nervous system –sympathetic NS (1 control at HR >100 bpm) NE released as neural transmitter –parasympathetic NS (1 control at HR <100 bpm) ACh released as neural transmitter hormonal –EPI, NE
Ventilation and External Respiration Getting O 2 from air into blood
A. Major pulmonary structures B. General view showing alveoli and blood vessels C. Section of lung showing individual alveoli D. Pulmonary capillaries surrounding alveolar walls
RBC Single alveoli at rest showing individual RBCs Single alveoli under high flow showing increased RBCs
Lungs and Pulmonary Circulation alveolar membrane thickness is ~ 0.1 µm total alveolar surface area is ~75 m 2 80-90% of alveoli are covered by capillaries pulmonary circulation varies with cardiac output and matched to ventilation rate
Gases Move Down Pressure Gradients
O 2 and CO 2 transit time in lungs (left) and tissue (right) at rest Notice rapid saturation with O 2 by the time RBCs have traveled ⅓ around alveolus
PO 2 in blood returning to the lungs is ____ PO 2 in the alveoli. A.greater than B.less than C.similar to
PO 2 in arterial blood is ____ PO 2 in the mitochondria. A.greater than B.less than C.similar to
PCO 2 in venous blood is ____ PCO 2 in the alveoli. A.greater than B.less than C.similar to
What would be the effect on the saturation of arterial blood with O 2 (SaO 2 ) when pulmonary blood flow is faster than the diffusion rate of O 2 ? A.SaO 2 would remain unchanged B.SaO 2 would be decreased C.SaO 2 would be increased
Rate of gas diffusion is dependent upon pressure (concentration) gradient. Erythrocyte (RBC) ~98% of O 2 is bound up with hemoglobin (Hb) Hb consists of four O 2 -binding heme (iron containing) molecules combines reversibly w/ O 2 (forms oxy-hemoglobin) 1-2% of O 2 is dissolved in plasma
CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3 H + + HCO 3 - Transport of CO 2 in blood ~75% ~5% ~20%
Oxygen is transported from lungs to muscle primarily A.dissolved in blood. B.bound to hemoglobin. a bicarbonate ion.
Carbon dioxide is transported from muscle to the lungs A.dissolved in blood. B.bound to hemoglobin. a bicarbonate ion. D.all of the above are transport mechanisms for CO 2
Ventilatory Response to Exercise and Control of Blood pH
Minute ventilation (VE) response to different exercise intensities
Ventilatory Control Mechanisms
Current thought is that primary control of ventilation is: from muscle afferents sensory inputs to control arterial PCO 2,(peripheral PCO 2 chemoreceptors) to minimize in blood pH (peripheral pH chemoreceptors)
Ventilatory responses to incremental exercise Why are there a breakpoints in the linearity of VE and VCO 2 ?
Ventilatory Regulation of Acid-Base Balance CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3 H + + HCO 3 - at low-intensity exercise, source of CO 2 is entirely from substrate metabolism bicarbonate (HCO 3 - ) buffers H + produced during high- intensity exercise at high-intensity exercise, bicarbonate ions also contribute to CO 2 production –source of CO 2 is from substrates and bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 - ) blood [H + ] stimulates VE to rid excess CO 2 (and H + ) Can RER ever exceed 1.0? When? Explain
RER = VCO 2 VO 2
What is the primary cause of hyperventilation during incremental exercise? A.muscles cannot get enough O 2 B.sympathetic innervation C.accumulation of lactate ions in blood D.conscious desire to breath harder E.additional stimulation of PCO 2 chemoreceptors
Ventilation Questions 1.Describe how ventilation regulates blood pH. 2.Explain why the ventilatory threshold is related to the lactate threshold 3.Can RER ever exceed 1.0? Under what circumstances? Explain.
Young cowboys in the old west
Matching O 2 delivery to muscle O 2 needs Regulation of cardiorespiratory system
Vascular system aorta arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins vena cava
Vascular smooth muscle allows vessels to constrict in response to SNS stimulation or local factors
Arterioles and Capillaries arterioles terminal arterioles (TA) capillaries collecting venules (CV) arterioles regulate circulation into tissues –under sympathetic and local control precapillary sphincters fine tune circulation within tissue –under local control
Blood vessels are surrounded by sympathetic nerves. A feed artery was stained to reveal catecholamine-containing nerve fibers in vascular smooth muscle cell layer. This rich network extends throughout arterioles but not into capillaries or venules. Local factors that control arterioles PO 2 PCO 2 pH adenosine K + Nitric oxide
Inside of arterioles are endothelial cells that release nitric oxide (NO) in response to sheer stress (increased pressure and flow), which causes vasodilation
Onset of exercise ( 1 -adrenergic receptor blocker) 30 s Rapid adaptation of blood flow
Precapillary sphincters fine-tune local blood flow Local control factors PO 2 PCO 2 pH adenosine K + temperature
Blood Distribution During Rest
Blood Flow Redistribution During Exercise
At rest, most blood is found in the ______ while at exercise most blood is in _____. A.venous system; active muscle B.pulmonary circulation; heart C.arterioles; capillaries D.heart; heart E.liver; active muscle
What is the primary mechanism to increase blood flow to working muscle? A.baroreceptors B.sympathetic innervation C.local factors D.epinephrine E.central command
What effect would these local conditions (from resting values) have on arteriole blood flow? PO 2, PCO 2, pH, temperature A.increase flow B.decrease flow effect on flow D.cannot be determined
O 2 Extraction Moving O 2 from blood into muscle
Factors affecting Oxygen Extraction Fick equation VO 2 = Q (aO 2 – vO 2 )
O 2 extraction response to exercise Represents mixed venous blood returning to right heart
a-v O 2 difference Bohr Effect: effect of local environment on oxy-hemoglobin binding strength amount of O 2 released to muscle depends on local environment –PO 2, pH, PCO 2, temperature, 2,3 DPG 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (DPG) –produced in RBC during prolonged, heavy exercise –binds loosely with Hb to reduce its affinity for O 2 which increases O 2 release
Bohr effect on oxyhemoglobin dissociation O 2 loading in lungs O 2 unloading in muscle Oxyhemoglobin binding strength affected by: PO 2 PCO 2 H + temperature 2,3 DPG
A change in the local metabolic environment has occurred: pH and PO 2 have ; temperature and PCO 2 have . What effect will these changes have on the amount of O 2 released to the muscle? A.increase O 2 release B.decrease O 2 release change in O 2 release D.cannot be determined
A change in the local metabolic environment has occurred: pH and PO 2 have ; temperature and PCO 2 have . What do these changes in local environmental suggest has occurred? A.the muscles changed from an exercise to a resting state B.the muscles began to exercise change D.cannot be determined
During graded exercise, A.VCO 2 increases linearly B.A breakpoint occurs in VCO 2 that coincides with lactate threshold C.A breakpoint occurs in VE that is caused by increased VO2 D.A breakpoint occurs in VCO 2 that results from increased epinephrine release
Which of the following would NOT cause local vasodilation? A. PCO 2 B. PO 2 C. temperature D. pH E. nitric oxide production
Which of the following would NOT cause greater O 2 unloading from hemoglobin? A. PCO 2 B. PO 2 C. temperature D. pH E. nitric oxide production
Which of the following adaptations likely had the LEAST influence for explaining why VO 2max increased 12% after completing a cross country season? A. cardiac output B. blood volume C. mitochondrial volume D. capillary density E. number of RBC
Which of the following does NOT occur during exercise? A.Vasodilation occurs throughout body. B.Blood is redirected towards exercising muscle. C.Local factors loosen binding of O 2 to hemoglobin. D.Increased venous return causes increased stroke volume. E.There is increased afterload to heart.
Which of the following does NOT occur during moderate-intensity running exercise? A.Sympathetic stimulation increases blood flow to working muscles. B. PCO 2 causes greater unloading of O 2 to working muscles from hemoglobin. C.Sensory inputs from muscle afferent nerves stimulate ventilation and heart rate. D.PO 2 in alveoli drops to less than the PO 2 in blood returning to the lungs. E.There is little change to diastolic BP.
Control of cardiac function and ventilation Parallel activations
What would be the effect of local arteriole dilation on BP? A.Decrease BP B.Increase BP C.No effect on BP
During running exercise, total peripheral resistance ____ because of _____. A.increases; sympathetic stimulation B.increases; local control factors C.decreases; vasoconstriction D.decreases; local control factors
Reflex control of cardiac output Primary regulators Central command control center (medulla) –Input from motor cortex parasympathetic inhibition predominates at HR <~100 bpm sympathetic stimulation predominates at HR >~100 bpm –Sensory input from skeletal muscle afferent sense mechanical and metabolic environment Secondary regulator arterial baroreceptors –Provide input to central command –located in carotid bodies and aortic arch –respond to arterial pressure Reset during exercise
Maintaining Blood Pressure Pressure is Necessary for Blood Flow
Pressure is necessary for blood to flow. Notice that blood flow decreases with BP
Regulation of Blood Flow and Pressure Blood flow and pressure determined by: arterioles B. Pressure difference between two ends A. Vessel resistance (e.g. diameter) to blood flow A A B B cardiac output BP = Q TPR
Regulation of Blood Flow and Pressure Time 120 Pressure (mm Hg) 80 BP = Q TPR
At what level is peripheral resistance greatest?
Effects of Exercise on Cardiac Output
Effects of Exercise Intensity on TPR
Effects of Incremental Exercise on BP
Effects of Isometric Exercise on BP
Cardiovascular Response to Exercise Fick equation VO 2 = Q (aO 2 – vO 2 ) VO 2 = [HR SV] (aO 2 – vO 2 ) VO 2 = [BP TPR] (aO 2 – vO 2 )
Exercise effects on heart HR caused by – sympathetic innervation – parasympathetic innervation – release of catecholamines SV, caused by – sympathetic innervation – venous return cardiac output
Cardiorespiratory adaptations to endurance training How does endurance training affect VO 2max ?
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2max ) VO 2max –highest VO 2 attainable –maximal rate at which aerobic system utilizes O 2 and synthesizes ATP –single best assessment of CV fitness intensity VO 2 VO 2max
VO 2max affected by: –genetics (responders vs. nonresponders) –age –gender –specificity of training
Cardiorespiratory training adaptations VO 2max ~15% with training ventilation? –training has no effect on ventilation capacity O 2 delivery? –CO ( ~15%) – plasma volume – SV O 2 utilization? –mitochondrial volume >100%
1995 marathon training data (women)
Heart adaptations to training sympathetic sensitivity heart size, blood volume
Heart adaptations to training
Left ventricular adaptations depend on training type Endurance trained preload (volume overload) Sedentary Resistance trained afterload (pressure overload) LV-EDV myocardial thickness
Normalized data for VO 2max (ml kg -1 min -1 ) Women Men
Which of the following would likely result in an increase of VO 2max ? A.breathing faster and deeper during maximal exercise B.faster HR at maximal exercise C.ability to deliver more O2 to muscles during maximal exercise D.more mitochondria
Which of the following does NOT occur following endurance training? A. blood volume B. HR max C. SV max D. CO max E. mitochondrial volume F. maximal ventilatory capacity
How would you evaluate a VO 2max of 28.9 mL/kg/min for a 22-year-old man? A.excellent B.above average C.average D.very low E.dead
Which of the following exercises would likely decrease TPR the LEAST? A.jogging walking C.shoveling snow D.cycling E.the above would decrease TPR similarly
What is the mechanism for the sudden increase in VE when the lactate threshold is reached during an incremental exercise test? A.greater muscle afferent input B.greater stimulation of peripheral baroreceptors C.greater stimulation of peripheral PCO 2 chemoreceptors D.greater stimulation of peripheral PO 2 chemoreceptors E.greater stimulation from motor cortex