1 TRANSIT. Sat05_72.ppt, Doppler-effect used: In the orbit Distant observer
2 TRANSIT. Sat05_72.ppt, Doppler effect: f s = from satellite f r =received v=velocity
3 TRANSIT. Sat05_72.ppt,
4 Doppler-count. Sat05_72.ppt, We count integer number of changes, N.
5 Integrated Doppler count. Sat05_72.ppt, r ij r jk
6 Observation equations. Sat05_72.ppt,
7 TRANSIT. Sat05_72.ppt, f: 400 MHz=4x10 8 Hz and 150 MHz λ= 0.75 m 2 m Velocity 7.5 km/s In 1 s 7.5 km shorter in line of sight: 1.875x10 -5 shorter Wavelength: λ 1 = λ+Δλ= m=c/f 1 f 1 = MHz, Δf=10 kHz
8 Example. Sat05_72.ppt, Equator: Velocity at surface of the Earth: 6371 km x s -1 =0.465 km/s Δf=400 MHz * 0.465/ = 0.62 kHz Exercise: We are at the North-Pole. Satellite with i=90 0, e=0, R e =6371 km, v=7.5 km/s. What is a ? What is the Doppler-shift when the satellite rizes above the horizon ? What is the corresponding change of distance per minute ?
9 Principles. Sat05_72.ppt, Doppler method basic ideas bedind GPS. Used: Polar orbits, h=1100 km Observation time 15 – 20 m. 2 frequencies to eliminate Ionosphere influence from quarz-ocillator 5 Mhz multiplied with 30 or 80. Time signal every 2. minute Broadcasts Kepler elements Error in static positioning: 1 m after 10 days of observation (Greenland only 3 days !)
10 Accuracy. Sat05_72.ppt,